Part 24

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Jhope muffled again through the duct tape as he grabbed onto Jimin's hands squeezing them tightly. He wanted to let Jimin know what he was thinking, but he couldn't because of the damn duct tape covering his mouth. So he still was squeezing Jimin's hand tightly no letting it go, hoping that he would get what he was trying to do.

"'re squeezing my hands too tight Jhope.." Jimin whispered to Jhope who groaned through the tape as he put his head down because Jimin didn't get it. Then he thought to make the rope rub against Jimin's wrist and hoped that Jimin would get what he was doing, so he did just exactly that and Jimin hissed quietly as he could.

"The rope hurts...the rope..." Jhope squeezed Jimin's hands and rubbed the rope more against his wrists then he felt Jimin squeezing his hands back.

"Wait...ohhh...Jhope? Do you want me to try and untangle us?" Jimin whispered to Jhope, hoping that he would get an answer back and he heard Jhope's muffled sounds clearly as he was focusing his hands onto the rope again.

"I'm's too scratchy..." Jimin sighed as he tried to get his fingers through the loop of the rope and he groaned because it was so scratchy he wanted to rub and also scratch at his fingers.

"I think I can get my-" Something dropped with a loud bang causing Jimin to quickly slap Jhope's hand into place so that it looks like they are still tied up, which they are. Jimin saw a shadow into the hallway that was near the side of him on his left, then he saw Kiwon walking out of the hallway and then setting his eyes onto Jimin causing him to internally groan in his mind.

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