Deepest Secret Part 2

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Everybody seemed impressed to see a wolf appear just like nothing. The animal looked furious and dangerous, no mercy shown in its eyes.

The wolf 🐺 started to run to Kagura but she sent more monsters to attack, of course, it was useless... the wolf continued using its bites to kill every monster until it was face to face with Kagura.

"What the hell is doing a wolf here? Did Koga sent it to attack me?" she thought.

The wolf ran to her to bite her but she used her fan to create tornados, again... useless... good reflexes from wolves...

The wolf finally came closer to her and bite her arm. She tried to push it away but it was hard since the teeth were stuck in her arm. The wolf let go of her with blood in the mouth, it turned to look at Koga and showed it teeth again...

The animal started to run again but to Koga who couldn't move for his injuries, Inuyasha appeared and kicked the wolf away from him. The wolf looked at him furiously ready to attack when it sensed something... the sunlight... it was dawning...

When the wolf turned to face Inuyasha, Inuyasha was already back to his normal self, Kagura seemed confused. Inuyasha took out his sword and swing it to kill Kagura but she was protected by a bunch of monsters, having the advantage to escape. Inuyasha looked at the wolf and prepared his sword to fight, the wolf tried to back away but it seemed to feel dizzy, finally it fell on the floor, and the sun was already up and the wolf was changing... revealing Kazuko, who then turned into Natsuki...

"Natsuki?!?!?!" everybody yelled confused. Inuyasha ran to her and hold her taking her back with their friends.

Natsuki's POV

I started to wake up when I heard people calling my name. "Natsuki!!!" they said. I got up and rubbed my head. Damn it, it really hurts, I think I have a headache. "Natsuki! I'm so glad you are ok!!" Kagome hugged me. "I am fine, but can someone please tell me what happened, the only thing I remember is when I blacked out" I said, they seemed confused. "So you don't remember?" Miroku asked, Natsuki's shook her head. "Well... it was kinda shocking... first we saw wolf". "A wolf? Was it one of Koga's friends?" Sango shook her head. "It was you" she said, I blinked my eyes twice, did I heard correctly? That wolf... was me?... "You are joking" I said. "It's the truth, you were a wolf". "But how's that?!" I tried to think in a reason and an idea pooped in my head.

Kazuko's POV

I opened my eyes and noticed everybody looking at me. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Kazuko why you didn't told us you could transform into a wolf?" Inuyasha asked. Damn it, did they see it?... I can't hide it anymore...

"It was dangerous, you could be in terrible danger if you ever see me like that, but I can't do anything to fix it". "What do you mean?" I sighed. "I have the same problems like you Inuyasha, I suffer a transformation every new moon, but I don't lose my powers and become a human, instead, I transform into the half wolf I am, I turn into an animal" they were shocked. "But how is that dangerous?" Shippo asked. "The problem is that when I'm a wolf I can't control myself, I lose the memories of who I used to be, I forget if I was ever a human...". "That's why I couldn't tell you, I become dangerous at the new moon".

Normal POV

Later, Inuyasha and his friends were talking about the issue with Kazuko, however, Inuyasha didn't talked a lot. "This is so impressing, Kazuko is a half demon, and now she suffer certain issues when the moon change" Kagome said. "Yes but remember what she said Kagome, she is different, Inuyasha shows his human side while Kazuko shows her animal form" Sango said. "What do you mean Sango?" she asked. "I think Sango means that Kazuko could born having more demon blood than human one" Miroku said. "So that's why she seemed so upset when we talked about it" Kagome said, Miroku noticed Inuyasha looking to other direction.

"Inuyasha! Do you know anything else about this" he said. "No... I never knew..." he looked down. "She never told you or mentioned you something?" he asked, Inuyasha shook his head. "Why she wouldn't tell me? We know each other since we were kids" he said. "You heard what she said, she thought it was dangerous and preferred to keep it as a secret".

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