Sara, Rival Of Love

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*This song always makes me cry, that's why I have it in my playlist but never listen it!!!*

Days passed and it was still hard for Natsuki accept her friend's death. She couldn't hold it anymore, the only thing left was her sword and the part of her clothes, she never let it go, she kept it like a treasure...

The others were worried about her look, there were times she cried silently to not let them know she was still hurt, but they obviously noticed it.

"I'm really worried about Natsuki..." Sango said.

"Me too, she can't accept Kazuko's death..." Miroku said.

"But Inuyasha was able to let it go with Kikyo..."

"Yes but Natsuki and Kazuko shared a body, they were together and now that she's gone, it's like she lost part of herself..."

"You can't forget a bond like that one" Kagome added.

She felt guilty for this, her cousin was crying for her lost and she was talking shit about her, admitting that she hate her when there was several times she saved her life, but the jealousy was blurring her... she loved Inuyasha and she didn't want anybody to separar him from her.

Next day, Natsuki tried to not think about it for a while. Walking in a village was peaceful and more with... music?

Natsuki followed the music and found a young woman playing her flute, people were listening but they didn't seem to enjoy it, instead, they seemed hurt and sad.

"Who is she?..." she thought while passing next the crowd, however, the woman seemed to frozen up for whatever caught her eye.

While they were out of village, the palace was on fire, it was suspicious so they decided to go back and check. The same people from before were still praying for the loss of their dear priestess named Sara, nothing to worry now then...

Later at night night, walking in the village, they saw a girl tied in a pole, and demon from the ocean trying reach the girl. Sango and Miroku went to save her, but something caught them off guard and they ended up transformed into crystal. Natsuki and the others destroyed the monster thinking the spell will be gone, but it didn't.

The girl explained other way to free them from the spell, however, Natsuki couldn't stop staring at her, there was something she didn't like about her.

At the cave where the temple of the god of the ocean was. Inuyasha put his sword as the key to open, but it seemed to be a trap that caused the whole cave to be destroyed. Sara appeared out of the cave on top of a demon with a different outfit and holding Tessaiga.

Natsuki remembered the woman now, the same that was playing the flute that morning. Inuyasha tried to attack her, but she used her necklace to turn him into crystal like the others, luckily, Kagome shoot an arrow to destroy it.

Suddenly, Sesshomaru appeared...

"Sesshomaru-sama" she called him, there was a sparkle in her eyes like if she was really happy to see him, and that bothered Natsuki, a lot...

"How does she know him?" she wondered, Kagome could feel the anger in her.

"Sesshomaru-sama, I brought you Tessaiga..." she knelt down showing him the sword.

"Do you think I would accept the help of a human to fulfill my dreams? Fool..." he said and disappeared.

"Seems he didn't give a shit" Natsuki mumbled, but Kagome could understand perfectly what she said.

"Give me Tessaiga!!!" Inuyasha yelled, but Sara used her powers to push him away and disappear too.

"That necklace must be the cause of Sango and Miroku's transformation!" Shippo said.

"Then the others villagers should be okay, Kagome, Natsuki, Shippo, go and check on them" Inuyasha said.

"Forget it, I'm not going, I'll go with you" Natsuki insisted.

Inuyasha couldn't convince her so he let her go.

"Are you guys going to be okay?" Kagome asked.

"We will, just catch with us when you find the others!" Natsuki yelled while being carried by Inuyasha.

When Inuyasha and Natsuki found Sara and Sesshomaru, Inuyasha attacked with his claws but Sesshomaru protected her.

"Why is he protecting her?" Natsuki thought feeling annoyed once again.

"Something is happening here..." she thought again.

"This is my business Inuyasha, stop bothering" Sesshomaru said.

"Sesshomaru-sama, please accept Tessaiga and my feelings for you!" she knelt down again.

"Did she just... confessed her love for... Sesshomaru?" there was tension in Natsuki's body.

"Why... am I feeling like this? Why do I feel like if I'm going to cry?... I don't like where this is going... Is Sesshomaru also in love with her? But... he doesn't even like humans!..." Natsuki remembered the last sentence she said, she looked at her hand feeling disappointed.

"Yeah... he doesn't like humans..."

"Sesshomaru...sama?" Sara called him confused.

Sesshomaru used his sword to cut her and a great amount of demons appeared from her body. Those demons said they were only using Sara to kill Sesshomaru, but Natsuki was still shocked for the confession of Sara. Sango, Kagome and Miroku appeared destroying the monsters, one of the monsters tried to reach Natsuki but she quickly used Kazuko's sword to cut it. Many monsters were attacking, so Sesshomaru decided to use Tessaiga to cut Sara even if she was inside of the amount of monsters, then he let it go because of his inability to use it. Inuyasha destroyed the monsters left and now everything turned normal, except for Sara who was disappearing slowly.

"I was able to see you again at least... Sesshomaru-sama" she said and turned into mist leaving only her flute.

Natsuki walked to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "At least she's resting in peace now, Sesshomaru" she gave him a smile. He didn't say anything, he barely touched her cheek and left.

Natsuki touched the place he put his hand on, and started to blush. "Wow Natsuki, so there's a boy then?" Kagome asked giving her a flirty smile.

"Ehmmm..." blushed for this moment. "I think I do have a crush on him..."

The Girl From My Past Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora