The New Enemy

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"Naraku is going to be so pissed when he sees him" Kagura said looking smar the baby.

"I don't think so, Kana didn't seem worried" someone said.

The baby started to move. His hair grew and a hand appear from the blanket.

"You see?" that someone chuckled.

The baby, now grew up, demanded for clothes so Kagura went to get some but The Guardian, the monster that own Entei, got in her way. Kagura was ready to fight him, but the boy stopped her. The guardian shoot him a fireball, but nothing happened to the boy. Entei started to feel upset and tried to separate itself from the guardian.

"Seems like there's a new hoserman now"

The guardian started to fight the kid but he ended dead in seconds.

"Not bad at all..." the kid said.

"Don't you think you exaggerated?" Kagura asked.

"Don't bother me, I'm trying to get used to this body" he said and walked to Entei staring at him.

"Shall we go and destroy a village?"

The boy nodded and they all went to a village near them.

With Natsuki and the others, they arrived at the village on fire, people was trying to escape but some kind of weapon prevented them to continue. Inuyasha tried to find who used that weapon but ended attacked and jumped back. Marks of a horse appeared in front of him, they were huge!!!

"It must be Entei and the guardian!" he yelled.

He was going to take out Tessaiga when something, or someone, caught his full attention. She was kinda far, but enough to recognize her.

"Kazuko?..." he questioned.

Kazuko was on the floor, hurt and with all the burns in her body, she tried to get up but it was hard for all the pain. She looked at Inuyasha and smiled letting some tears fall.

"Inuyasha!!!" she yelled and tried to go with him.

Inuyasha ran to her and hold her before she could fall again.

"K-Kazuko... I-I thought you died..." he said trying to hold the tears.

"I'm ok Inuyasha, I'm alive... I'm sorry I couldn't see you then" she hugged him back.

The others arrived, they were shocked, especially Natsuki.

"Kazuko?... She's alive? H-How? She... she can't be... she was too injured to survive" Natsuki thought, but tried to forget all and just run to her... until...

"AAAGGGHHH!!!" Inuyasha yelled in pain.

He backed away and hold his wound with his hand. Kazuko looked at her hand with blood from her childhood friend.

"I can't believe you fell for that!! What an idiot..." she said as she backed away. Her eyes turned into the demonic form she had, and her claws and fangs grew.

"Kazuko... why??" Inuyasha questioned still holding his wound.

"Ahh seems that you already met Kazuko..." the boy appeared from the sky with Entei.

"That is..." Natsuki stared at the boy.

"You!!! What have you done to her?!?!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Me? I haven't done anything. You should be grateful, you wanted to see her alive and now she is... thanks to Naraku" the boy grinned.


"You shouldn't worry about me, better worry about her" he flew away and disappeared.

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