Wolves, Wolves, And More Wolves

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At morning, after what happened with the young wolf in the village, Inuyasha annoyed, wanted to find him for making fun of him and for how he approached Kazuko. Sango and Miroku searched through the air with Kirara while Inuyasha used his nose accompanied by Kagome, Natsuki, Shippo in Kagome's bike through the mountains.

"It seems that Inuyasha is very upset by how this young man came close to you..." Kagome said sounding a little jeaolus. "Not only that, the boy called him beast and if I were in his place obviously I will get mad and freak out as hell, and it wasn't me, it was to Kazuko" she said facing her and then returning her gaze to the view of nature.

Sango and Miroku returned and unfortunately there was no sign of the boy. They began to hear barking coming from above them and they saw the same wolves that attacked them in the village. Many went to Inuyasha causing him to fall from the ravine, others attacked the crew, Miroku and Sango trying protect them. Something came too and it was approaching Kagome and Natsuki.

"Where is that woman?" he asked himself in his mind, his nose detected the scent of Natsuki capturing his attention. "She have the same scent like that woman!!" he thought and finally decided to kidnap her. He approached Natsuki while she was petrified. She couldn't do anything and ended in his arms.

As he moved further and further away, Kagome took one of her arrows and shoot it to the young man making him stop and turn to her

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As he moved further and further away, Kagome took one of her arrows and shoot it to the young man making him stop and turn to her. "Stop!! You will not take my cousin with you and those fragments that are in your arm and both of your legs!! she pointed another arrow. "Oh so you can see them too, in that case, you will come with me" he ran to her and grabbed her by the arm running far away.

"KAGOME!!! NATSUKI!!!!" Sango and Miroku yelled. "God damn it, get off of me!!!" like Inuyasha said, the wolves freed him on the river heading to their home. "INUYASHA!!" he turned his head and saw Sango and Miroku running to him, Miroku used his stick like support for Inuyasha to get out of the water. "Those cowards left me when I got here..." he said. "And they didn't just left, the same young man of the village kidnapped Natsuki and- -" he was interrupted by Inuyasha with a shocking face when he heard her name. "WHAT???? THEY KIDNAPPED NATSUKI?!?!?!?!?". "And miss Kagome..." he continued the sentence a little annoyed, Inuyasha stood silent feeling a little embarrassed for screaming Natsuki's name without caring the rest.

"We have to save them!!" he started to run trying to use his instincts to find both.

Natsuki's POV

Mmm... What is this?! I feel something strange and cold in my cheek, it feels like metal... is it an armor? Why an armor?... Wait what?!? My body! I can't move!! Something is holding my arms and legs... but what is it?. I opened my eyes slowly, the first thing I saw was the face of my kidnapper holding me above his shoulder like with my cousin. He didn't noticed that I was awake so I tried to make some movements to let Kagome see me and luckily, I got it.

"Kagome we have to run!! At three, we push him away and start to run" I whispered trying to sound as low as possible so he could not listen. "No Natsuki there's not enough time, you are the one who have to go!!..." she whispered back. "Find Inuyasha and tell him to come" she continued, I didn't wanted to leave her but I didn't had other choice than just do what she said. I pushed the young man away and when I fell on the ground, I ran as fast I could without stopping, unfortunately, he got me and pulled me by the arm, I forced myself but he was too strong for me so I gave up, I just started walking away with him.

"If you try to escape again, you will not go well at all..." he told me with a death glare, ¿since when I was getting well?. I didn't cared for what he said, I'm not scare of that stupid dog, he just think that intimating me I would obey him? Bullshit...

When we were close to the waterfalls, we find a cave full of wolves and mens with wolves skin, it must be a bevy and it looks like they were waiting for us. I felt shivers in my back for how all those guys were starting at me like if I would not get out of there alive. Deep in the cave, there was thatch like a nest and without noticing, he let go of us and everybody started getting closer.

"They look delicious Koga!!" one of them said. "Please let me have the first bite!!" another said. They are going to eat us!! We were scared, we backed away until our backs touched the wall, their hands were close to touch our hair but the young man called Koga said:

"You guys are wrong, they are my preys!! And the ones that try to touch them, I kill him!!"

They stepped back with fear, fear of a man!!? He is just like them, what makes him that special and fearless? But, so we can see his fragments- wait a minute! When did I started to do that?!? God!!! How much I will know during this journey?!? I have to ask Kazuko about this but for now, this guy need us, that's good! Then he doesn't want to kill us, it's better to do what he says so we can wait for Inuyasha and the others to find us.

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