Trust Or Ignore?

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Natsuki's POV

"Here take this, you have to eat something" Koga gave me some fish and walked away, it attracted the wolves and they came close to me, I stepped back and they only jumped over me and started to lick my face and play. "Hahaha stop guys! That tickles!! Ok ok here take it" I threw it to them but they didn't get it... weird...

They stood there smelling me like if I were some type of animal. "Kagome, they re smelling me and it feels weird, why are they doing it?" I whispered. "Maybe because of Kazuko, she's half wolf right?". "Oh yeah!".

An idea came to my mind, I hide in the nest with Kagome covering me and transformed into Kazuko make her get Koga's confidence.

If she could make the wolves like her by her smell then she can deal with him using her words, at least he doesn't know that we are the same person. Hope my plan works..

Kazuko's POV

"Nice plan Natsuki" I felt something in my tail, heavy is the first thing I thought, I checked and it was Shippo. "Shippo!!!" I was going to scream but I covered my mouth before hey could notice. "How did you get here?" I whispered. "Luckily, I grabbed you without him noticing me, oh and I left a way of my mushrooms when they kidnapped us, Inuyasha and the others probably saw it and they are coming!!" he whispered back. "You are awesome Shippo!! Then for now, I have to distract them while Inuyasha is coming". I left Shippo with Kagome and walked to Koga, he turned his head when he scent me coming. "You are that pretty wolf girl!!" he was inches of my face, does he at least know what is personal space?. "Where did you came from? I didn't see you coming" he asked. "It's a secret" I said putting my index finger in his mouth to make him stop talking, he took my hand making me feel uncomfortable.

"Now that you are here, can you tell me how you, a wolf, can see the fragments of the Shikon Jewel?" his face changed into a serious one, crap

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"Now that you are here, can you tell me how you, a wolf, can see the fragments of the Shikon Jewel?" his face changed into a serious one, crap. "What makes you think I can do it?" I moved my hand away from his. "Because in the village, I saw how you told that dog about the fragments in my body!" he replied. "Even if I can, I can't tell you 'cause it's none of your business!!" I said, he's annoying. "Your a wolf and a wolf is supposed to help its clan". "Why should I? I don't have a clan... I was by myself my whole life fighting to survive" I insisted, he was quiet and started to talk again. "You are loyal to that dog, don't you?". I was speechless. "Do not ever call him dog again!! Inuyasha is my friend and the only one I trust!! I would never betray him for you!!" I was really mad at him, even if we were the same specie, I would never join him.

"But it would be a lot better with you and those gir-" he pointed to Kagome but he noticed that Natsuki was not there, shit! he's going to kill Kagome. "Where is the other girl?!?!" he grabbed Kagome by her shirt. "I don't know, I was sleeping this whole time so I don't know where is she!!!" she tried to free herself but it was impossible, finally he let go of her and said to his friends. "Find her!!!" I was petrified I couldn't move or even run, they could find out that I am Natsuki. "Koga!!!" I yelled at him and he turned his head. "Leave her, what is going to happen if only one is free? You have the other girl and... me" it hurt and disgusted me saying it but it was the only way he could not hurt Kagome. "So, you are saying that you will stay and help us?" I thought for a moment and nodded. "Yeah... I'll stay... but only if you do not ever touch the girl!!!" I have to protect Kagome, if something happen to her, Natsuki would never forgive me.

"Fine! But why are you so protective with her?" he asked suspiciously. "None. Of. Your. Business" I left and walked to Kagome, probably Shippo already told her about the plan. "Kagome I'm going to protect you until Inuyasha arrives, you have to obey everything that Koga say to you, for now I think I won his confidence so we are ok, got it?" she nodded and I smiled feeling good that she was not like normal people that always freak out, then I heard someone with an angry tone. "What is this? Can we eat it? They look nasty, next time don't bring weird things, stupid wolves" there was a bunch of Shippo's mushrooms, our hope was getting smaller. Koga called us for an attack to an enemy called "Birds of Paradise", he thinks that one of them posses a fragment of the pearl, so that's why he need us... We went outside, all men were prepared with their weapons, Kagome and Shippo were with them while me and Koga went more higher to see the birds but none appeared. "I don't feel any presence Koga, are you sure they are here?". "Yes, we are in their territories". We tried to find at least but there was still nothing yet. Suddenly, one of the birds appeared and tried to attack us but Koga dodged it and grabbed my waist and started to run going down with the bird following us.

"Koga put me down, I can fight!!!" I yelled, it was embarrassing the way he was holding. "I'm not going to let that bird hurt you!!!". "Why he wants to protect me? Is it because I'm a wolf? Is that important to protect someone that is like... your family?" I thought, I was in my thoughts that I didn't felt the floor when Koga left me to fight with the bird by himself. "That idiot!!" I was going to run to him but Natsuki called me.

Normal POV

Between Natsuki's and Kazuko's minds...

"Natsuki, what's wrong?" Kazuko asked looking at her who was calm, so calm... "Kazuko... let me help him..." she said but Kazuko shook her head. "No Natsuki, you will be in a terrible danger!" she replied. "I have an idea that could at least hurt the bird giving Koga the benefit to kill it". "Still, I don't want you to get hurt". "Kazuko we are using my body for both of us, that mans I have control as much as you" the conversation was over. Appeared Natsuki and run with a knife that she took out of her pocket (WHERE DID SHE GET THAT?!?!!), she climbed the rocks to get where Koga was, when she was already there, he looked at her and his eyes widened. "You?!?!? Why did you came back?!?!" he demanded. "I came back to help you!!" she said. "Help me?!?! Why you think a human can help ME kill a demon??" he was too busy talking that didn't saw the bird trying to attack him, Natsuki pushed him out of the way. "You still think a human can't help you?" she got up and helped Koga up. "I have an idea, just follow me!!" he stared at her and then nodded with a deep blush.

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