Deepest Secret

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Things ended well for the heroes :3 Tsubaki died and the girls apologized for their acts but before they left, the girls went to Kazuko and started complimenting her about her abilities as a priestess and half demon.

Natsuki's POV

A few days later, we continued our journey to find Naraku, but Inuyasha seemed to have problems in finding him using his half demon instincts. "Inuyasha you shouldn't be overacting with this, remember that  tonight there's new moon!" Shippo said. "Oh that's right! I completely forgot!" Kagome said. Unexpectedly, I felt how I tense up all of a sudden, I didn't know why, was it Kazuko?.

"Kazuko are you ok?" I asked her. Kazuko seemed nervous and it worried me. "I am, why do you ask?" she said. "Because you seem a little upset, I could feel how you tensed up like nothing" Kazuko seemed more nervous but she never admitted. "Everything is fine Natsuki, don't worry" she said, I nodded but of course I didn't believed her.

Suddenly, a small tornado passed over Inuyasha and appeared in front of me revealing Koga. "Hi Natsuki!". "Koga!". "Stinky wolf!!!" Inuyasha tried to attack him but Kagome stopped him wit the magic word "SIT!!!". Koga and Miroku started talking about Naraku while I went to Inuyasha to help him get up. 

"Slow down Inuyasha" I said kneeling down next to him. "Do not try to stop me Natsuki, I have to kill that wolf" he said. "What's wrong beast? There's something different in you" Koga smells him and noticed something different. "You don't smell like a dog anymore, did you take a bath?" he asked. I came closer to Inuyasha when he said that. "What?!! Do not get close to her like that!!!" he yelled and tried to pull Inuyasha by his feet away from me, but Inuyasha was holding me not letting me go. 

Koga's friends appeared running to us, they seemed really tired but Koga didn't seemed to think in taking a break

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Koga's friends appeared running to us, they seemed really tired but Koga didn't seemed to think in taking a break. "See ya later Natsuki!!" he waved at her and started to run and his fiends following him.

When he left, Inuyasha seemed annoyed because he considered finding Naraku like a race, but he needed to be more careful since tonight he was going to lose his powers again, and if he faces Naraku like that, he will be vulnerable.

At night, outside of the small house we were staying, I was with Inuyasha and Kagome sitting in the wood fire but I didn't payed attention to their conversation. I couldn't stop feeling Kazuko's tension, something is happening and she doesn't want to tell me! I have to ask her!

"Kazuko..." I whispered her name. "What's wrong Natsuki?" she asked me, she sounded tired, like if she was dealing with something... it worried me even more. "Are you ok? Is something wrong?" I asked. Kazuko didn't answer, I couldn't feel her anymore...

"Kazuko? Kazuko!!!" I called her a lot of times but it was the same result. I started to feel my body warm and shaky, my vision was getting blurry, I was going to black out... I tried to get up and leave the place.

"Natsuki where are you going?" Kagome asked. Dang it!. "I-I'm going for a small w-walk" this weird feeling was becoming bigger. "Are you sure you want to go by yourself?". "Yes, nothing will happen to me" Oh damn, I was so wrong...













When I went to the forest, I tried to continue walking to feel better but it only make it worse, I couldn't walk anymore so I stopped, I fell on my knees and tried to breathe but it was hard, it was like if I was being suffocated. I couldn't remember anything else after I blacked out...

Normal POV

Natsuki haven't came back yet and it was worrying Kagome deeply. "I think I'll go find Natsuki" she said, Inuyasha looked at her. "I'll go with you" he said, Kagome shook her head. "No, if one of Naraku's monsters sees you, you will be in danger, stay here" she gave the first step but heard people screaming, when she turned around, she saw Koga's friends who seemed desperate. "Miss Kagome!!!" they yelled.

*You guys know what happened, Koga vs Kagura, blah blah, they went to help him. Kagome treat him and he went to fight Kagura again, and he hurt himself again... idiot :v*

Sango attacked the monsters and others were going to attack her, she couldn't react... until...

A wolf appeared...

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