The Final Act Part 2

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Normal POV

Inuyasha, Kazuko and Natsuki continued their way to find Kagome until a light make them stop.

"A light?" Natsuki thought.

The face of Naraku appeared again in the walls.

"You should be happy, the light of Kikyo is back on the pearl, however, you are the only ones who can see it"

"Shut up I'm sick of your talks!!!" Inuyasha used the diamond spears to destroy the face but another one appeared.

"Your other two friends may have seen it too" he said.

"Two friends? Are you talking about Miroku and Sango?!?!" Natsuki said.

He laughed. "Yes and I wonder... what are they doing and what will they think when they see this light?"

"What do you mean?!?!" Inuyasha demanded.

"I can only tell you the hole in Miroku's hand is on its limit, probably this is the last time he will use it" he said. "They are already following the lights but that doesn't mean it will lead them to where I am."

"So you want to trick Miroku to use his hole!!!" Kazuko yelled.

"We have to go and stop Miroku!" Natsuki said.

"But we are also close to the pearl and we can finally destroy Naraku!!" Inuyasha said.

"You guys go and prevent Miroku from using his hole, I'll go find the pearl!" Kazuko said.

"No you can't!! It's too dangerous" Natsuki insisted.

"She's right, you just came back to life and I'm not going to lose you again" Inuyasha hold Kazuko's arm giving her a look of worry.

"I know, but we don't have a lot of time, this is the best option we got"

Even if it worried Natsuki and Inuyasha as hell, they agreed. Inuyasha carried Natsuki and ran to where Miroku was, while Kazuko ran to the opposite direction to find Naraku.

As Kazuko continued running, she could sense the spiritual energy of Kagome.

"What is this? Is this from Kagome? But... something is wrong..."

Kazuko found Naraku in his shield with the pearl.

"Ahh Kazuko, you are back! Happy to see you again" he said.

"Cut it out Naraku, where is Kagome?" Kazuko demanded.

"Ohh her? she's right there..."

He pointed at the top where there was only darkness.

"What?" Kazuko looked up and an arrow was shot at her.

"What the-?" She jumped away from the shot.

Kagome appeared pointing another arrow to her. Her eyes were blank and full of tears, also, there was a giant evil aura around her.

"Naraku, what have you done to her?!?!"

"I didn't do anything much, I'm just helping her get her revenge"

"What are you talking about?"

"Kagome is suffering because you stole Inuyasha's heart, she had to deal with his past with Kikyo and now with you"

"Die..." Kagome whispered and shot the arrow.

"Kagome stop! This isn't you, you are just under Naraku's control!" she said.

"No, he helped me see who you really are! You want to keep Inuyasha away from me! I won't let that happen... I WON'T!!!!" she shot another arrow.

Kazuko used a parchment to block the arrow. "She's strong... I can't hurt her, there must exist a solution to wake her up!"

"KAZUKO!!!!" Inuyasha yelled coming with Natsuki and Miroku.

"What is happening?!?!?" he asked.

"Kagome is being controlled by Naraku! She said that I was..." she looked at him with a worried look. "keeping you away from her..." she finished.

"Keeping me away?" he repeated.

"There's no need to hide it anymore..." Natsuki said.

She stepped out and put her hand in Inuyasha's shoulder. "Inuyasha... Kagome is in love with you..." Inuyasha looked at her confused and stared at Kagome.

"As I think, she loved you since the day you started traveling together, and now that Kazuko and I appeared, we ruined her plan to be the only person you could count on"

Inuyasha continued staring at Kagome. "Isn't that right, Kagome?!?!" Natsuki yelled.

Kagome started sobbing and put the bow down. "It's true! I love you Inuyasha! You were so happy to see Kazuko again that I felt you forgot I existed... now I feel so stupid for letting Naraku control me!"

"Kagome..." Inuyasha whispered her name.

"Don't be, Kagome! I don't blame you!" Kazuko yelled at her. Kagome looked at her confused.

"I disappeared for fifty years and you protected him while I wasn't there, and now that I came back, he gave me his attention leaving you behind... I'm sorry Kagome, it's my fault this happened to you"

Kagome smiled. "We both are to blame..." her eyes turned back to normal and she eliminated the aura controlling her body.

"Naraku you are going to die!!!" Kagome shoot an arrow to him but only hurt his arm. Naraku used his tentacles to push Kagome and make her fall, Inuyasha caught her and landed next to Natsuki. Kagome tried to shoot another arrow but poison started to come out of the walls that prevented her to do it. Kazuko jumped next to Inuyasha and created a shield around everybody.

Sango appeared and threw her boomerang to Naraku. However, the poison was on the boomerang and when Sango touched it, more appeared. Kirara and her fell on a hole and Miroku jumped to catch her. Kazuko tried to follow him, but the hole already closed. 

(I'm sorry but the next few minutes of the episode they talked a lot and I don't want to write all) SKKIIPPP!!!!

Byakuya appeared behind Kagome, Natsuki stepped in front of her and revived the attack. She got the cut but no bleeding was happening. Inuyasha killed Byakuya and Naraku only laughed.

The four continued trying and trying to purify Naraku's soul but being inside of his body was a disadvantage. Sango and Miroku appeared with Kirara and Shippo ready to continue with the battle.

"Guys!!!" Natsuki yelled excited.

Then, Sesshomaru appeared with Kohaku, Rin and Jaken.

"Everybody is here" Naraku said.

"We are... and we will defeat you... together!!" Kazuko yelled.

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