Finger painting

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Luna was almost one year old now and today you were going to let her finger paint. You had gotten some finger paints at the local store. So when you were ready to let Luna finger paint you put a little smock on her before you put her in the high chair.

"Y/n, are you sure we should let her get paint everywhere?" Starscream asked you as you got the paint ready.

"Yes Starscream, it's washable." You said.

"Fine." Starscream grumbled.

"Alright Luna, here you go." You said as you put the little bowls of paint and paper on the high chair tray.

Luna looked at the paints and dipped her hand into the red and placed it on the paper. Then she dipped her other hand into the purple paint and smeared it on the paper. After a few minutes Luna was done with the paper so you took it and put it on a newspaper to dry.

"It's actually surprisingly still clean in here." Starscream said after Luna was done painting.

"Yes, that's because Luna is growing up." You said as you picked her up out of the high chair.

Luna giggled as you took her over to the sink and washed her hands. After you were done you dried her hands and took the smock off.

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