First kick

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You have been pregnant for 23 weeks now and one morning you felt something kicking your stomach. At first you thought nothing of it until one really hard kick that was painful.
You got up and did your morning routine and the baby started kicking again. After breakfast you kept talking to your stomach and Starscream soon walked in and activated his holoform.

"Y/n, why are you talking to your stomach? Surely the baby can't hear you." Starscream said as he cocked one of his eyebrows.

"Okay, first off the baby can hear me. And second he/she wouldn't stop kicking me." You said as you placed your right hand on your hip.

"What do you mean it was kicking? Is it ready to come out?" Starscream asked you as he panicked a little.

"Starscream, the baby isn't ready to be born yet and it's perfectly natural for it to start kicking, would you like to feel?" You asked him.

Starscream nodded and came over and you pressed his hand on the last spot the baby kicked.

"I don't feel anything." He said after a few moments.

Just then the baby started kicking his hand and his eyes went wide and you saw tears starting to form.

"Starscream, are you crying?" You asked him curiously.

"What, no! I'm sweating through my eyes." Starscream said seriously.

He continued to feel the baby kick for a few minutes and then he hugged you. He couldn't wait to find out what gender the baby was.

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