Knockout and Breakdown visit

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It was the morning after you and Starscream had sex. He woke up first and wondered why he was sleeping in your bed, then he remembered the previous night and he decided to wake you up.

"Y/n, it's time to wake up." Starscream whispered in one of your ears.

"Morning Starscream." You mumbled.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked you.

"A little sore, but alright." You replied.

Starscream got out of bed and got dressed and you slowly got out of bed,  but couldn't walk straight.

"It looks like you enjoyed our session last night Y/n, you can barely walk." Starscream said as he smirked.

"Yeah, but I think you enjoyed it more because you did this to me." You retorted.

You both went to the kitchen and ate breakfast when you both heard two sets of metal foot steps.

"Y/n, Stay here. I will get rid of whoever is here." Starscream said quietly as his holoform fizzled away.

He then rushed out of the room. After a few minutes he returned with Knockout and Breakdown.

"Knockout, Breakdown, what are you both doing here?" You asked them curiously.

"We came to visit for a little while before Soundwave finds out we are gone." Knockout told you.

Starscream, Knockout and Breakdown activated their holoforms and came into the living room where you were and sat down.

"So, Y/n, how's life with Screamer been?" Breakdown asked you.

"It's been really great, how's life with Megatron?" You asked him and Knockout.

"Well, so far we're trying to get the Omega Keys so we can restore Cybertron." Knockout said.

"That's great, but will you guys come and visit after Cybertron is restored?" You asked him and Breakdown.

"Of course we will, Earth is like our second home." Breakdown said as he smiled.

"Hey, would you guys like to try some cupcakes?" You asked Knockout and Breakdown.

"Sure, what are cupcakes?" Knockout asked you.

"A sugary Earth food, let me get you guys some." You said as you went to the kitchen, but you still couldn't walk straight.

"Starscream, is Y/n alright? She seems to have trouble walking."" Knockout asked Starscream.

"Yes, she will be fine, she walks like that because of what happened last night." Starscream said proudly.

"Wait, did you interface with her?" Knockout asked Starscream..

"Yes, why?" Starscream asked Knockout.

"Be careful, our holoforms can get humans sparked." Knockout warned Starscream.

"I forgot......" Starscream said as he blushed a little.

"Alright, here you guys go." You said as you waddled into the living room.

You handed Knockout and Breakdown each a cupcake.

"They look a bit strange." Knockout said as he peeled off the paper and through it in the small trash bin next to the couch and took a bite.

"Well?" You asked.

"Wow, this is actually really good." Knockout said as he savored his cupcake by eating it slowly.

Breakdown was next, he however ate his quickly.

"Thank you Y/n, that was the best thing I've eaten." Breakdown said.

You all chatted for a while longer and soon Knockout and Breakdown had to go. You were sad to see them leave, but you knew that they had to.

"Starscream , when Cybertron is restored are you going to leave me?" You asked him sadly.

"I don't know, it could be dangerous if I did return. And it is unknown if the Autobots or the Decepticons win the war." Starscream said seriously.

"Oh." Was all you said.

Little did you know was that Starscream already had a plan to get the Omega keys and try to get back into the Decepticon ranks. But he didn't have the spark to tell you.

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