Changing time

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Today Starscream was on the couch holding Luna and talking to her while you were cleaning the kitchen. But when he smelled an awful smell coming from Luna he decided that you needed to take care her.

"Y/n, I believe you need to change Luna." Starscream said as he walked into the kitchen while holding Luna out towards you.

"Starscream, you've watched me change her plenty of times, so you can do it." You said as you turned to face him.

"Why me?" He asked you in shock.

"Because she's your daughter too." You stated.

"Very well." Starscream grumbled as he went to Luna's room.

When he put Luna on the changing table he grabbed a new diaper, the wipes and some baby powder. He  quickly got the job done after a couple of minutes. Unfortunately he didn't quite put the new diaper on correctly. As he went back downstairs to show you that he had successfully changed Luna the diaper fell off her without him noticing.

"Y/n, I believe I have done well changing Luna." Starscream said proudly.

"Um Starscream, you're supposed to put on a new diaper after taking the old one off." You said when you saw that Luna didn't have a diaper on.

"Wha- I put a new diaper on her, where did it go?" Starscream said as he looked around for the missing diaper.

"Uh huh, yeah. Well come on Starscream, I'll show you how to put on a diaper the correct way." You said as you started walking to Luna's room.

Starscream followed you up the stairs. When you were going up the stairs you saw where the fresh diaper had fallen off and you picked it up.
When you got to Luna's room you threw the diaper away and he handed Luna to you and you showed him the right way to put a diaper on.

"Well Starscream, now do you know what you're doing?" You asked him.

"Yes, I do now. And I am sorry about earlier Luna." Starscream said as he apologized to Luna.

Starscream x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now