New Home

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About thirty minutes later you woke up feeling a little bit dizzy.

"Ugh, what happened?" You asked.

"Ah, your finally awake, took you long enough." Starscream muttered.

"Ahhhhh! what the heck are you and what did you do to Seth?!" You asked him when you noticed that you were being held by a giant robot.

"Look, fleshy, my real name is Starscream. Seth is the name of my holoform." Starscream told you

"W-what's a holoform?" You asked him nervously

"A hard light hologram that we Cybertroinians use to blend in with you humans." Starscream told you.

"Now that you know about us you'll have to come with me so you that won't tell the other fleshies about our existence." Starscream said seriously.

"B-but, I can't just leave my friends and family. And what about my house/apartment?" You asked Starscream.

"Don't worry, I have set up a human area in my room at the Harbinger so I can keep an optic on you." Starscream told you.

"But you can't just take me from my home!" You yelled at him.

"Yes I can, for now you may pack some things you will need and I will bring you things when I can." Starscream told you.

"Okay, fine." You said.

        ~ Time skip to your home ~

"Now, go in and pack and I'll wait here." Starscream's holoform told you.

"O-okay." You said as you grabbed a gallon zip lock bag and fill it with what pads/tampons you have for when you get your next period and put it in a large backpack you keep for going hiking, next you grab 10 water bottles and put them in there and next you grab some boxed food and trail mix and put it along with your other things and set the backpack on the floor.

Next you grab your suitcase and grab some warm clothes, underwear and bras and quickly stuff them in and then you grab your sleeping bag (which is thermal) and pack a pillow to. And then you grab your secret hobby (that's going to be in another chapter). And last but not least you grab some shoes. You finally get all your stuff outside where Starscream
was waiting.

"Took you long enough, now lets go." Starscream said.

You then found out that Starscream can transform into a jet so you pile all your stuff in his cockpit and he takes off.

            ~ another time skip ~

It had been several hours before you landed but you both finally made it.

"Well Y/n, welcome to the Harbinger." Starscream said as he walked into an old Cybertroinian spacecraft.

He carried you and your stuff inside and finally got to his room.

"So, where will I live?" You asked Starscream.

"Over here in my closet, I've already looked up what you humans need in your homes so I took up building a human sized area in my closet as a hobby, but you will not tell ANYONE! is that understood?" Starscream asked you loudly.

"Y-yes Starscream." You said nervously.

He opened the door and you saw what a fully furnished house would look like.

"Wow, thanks Starscream." You said when you saw where you would be living.

Starscream then set you down so you could unpack. First, you went to the kitchen and put your food in the cupboards and your water in the fridge.

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