You give birth

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Shortly after Starscream helped you lay on the floor on top of a large towel he ran out of the bathroom to get a few things. When he came back you saw that he had a clean towel and a soft pink blanket.

"Starscream, she's coming right now!" You yelled when you felt your daughter trying to pop out of you.

"Yes I can see that." Starscream said as he grabbed one of the clean towels and got in between your legs.

"I think that you should start pushing." Starscream said.

"You think?!" You said angrily as you started pushing.

Your closed your eyes and clenched your teeth each time you pushed. Starscream saw that you were in a lot of pain. But he knew that the pain would be worth it.

"Um, keep going Y/n, you're doing great." Starscream said as he tried to encourage you to keep pushing.

"I hate you right now Starscream! After this we aren't having any more children!" You screamed.

After about three hours of giving of screaming, yelling, pushing and sweating your daughter finally came into the world. When your daughter was finally born she was screaming her head off. Starscream quickly washed her off in the bathroom sink before he wrapped her in the pink blanket. Then he took her to your bed. Shortly after he came back into the bathroom, picked you up and carried you to your bed.

After he carefully laid you on your bed you picked your new daughter up and held her. You were so happy that you could finally hold her in your arms.

"Oh Starscream, isn't she perfect?" You asked him softly.

"Yes, she's our little princess." Starscream said as he joined you on your bed.

She had your H/c and your facial features. But she Starscream's nose and and skin color. When she opened her eyes you saw that she had your
E/c eyes.

"Hi there, I'm your mom and that's your dad." You said as your daughter looked up at you and Starscream.

"What should we name her?" Starscream asked you.

"I think her name should be Luna." You said.

"It's perfect." Starscream said as he looked at Luna.

"Would you like to hold her?" You asked him.

"Yes, I would." Starscream said as you handed Luna to him.

As Starscream held Luna he couldn't help but shed a few tears. She was so tiny and the way she gripped one of his pointer fingers in one of her tiny hands was just so perfect.

"Starscream, are you crying?" You asked him as you smirked.

"What, no, I am not crying." Starscream said stubbornly.

"Yeah, sure you aren't." You said as you rolled your eyes.

After a while you, Starscream and Luna fell asleep on your bed. You thought that it would be a good idea to co-sleep with Luna for a while before you had her sleep in the nursery.

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