You get a pet

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Starscream had been gone all day looking for energon and now it was night time. You and Luna were getting a little worried.

"Mama, where sire?" Luna asked as looking at you with big E/c eyes.

"I don't know sweetie, but it's time for you to go to bed." You asked as you picked her up and took her to her room.

You changed Luna's diaper diaper and put her in her crib after you got her to fall asleep. You went back downstairs to wait for Starscream in the living room and you popped in
F/m into the dvd player help pass the time. About half way through the movie Starscream, activated his holoform and carried a box into your house. You paused the movie to go see what he had the box.

"I'm so glad you're back Starscream, both me and Luna were worried about you." You said.

"I'm sorry to worry you both." Starscream said before passionately kissing you.

"So, what's in the box?" You asked him after you pulled away from the kiss.

"I found this creature just outside and I brought it inside to see if you knew anything about it." Starscream said as he let you look inside the box.

You looked in the box only to find a baby wild rabbit. It looked up at you and twitched it's little nose.

"Awww, it's so cute!" You said after a few moments.

"So what is it?" Starscream asked you curiously.

"This is a baby wild rabbit, Starscream." You told him.

"So, what do we do with it?" He asked you.

"Well, it must have gotten separated from it's mother so we will raise it." You said.

"What does it eat?" Starscream asked you as he looked at the rabbit.

"We can feed it lettuce, parsley, basil,  collard greens and beet greens." You said, listing off the things that wild rabbits could eat.

You then went to the kitchen. Thankfully you bought some lettuce last time you went to the store.

"Where will it live?" Starscream asked you as he walked into the kitchen.

"I'll house train it." You said as you got the lettuce out of the refrigerator.

You then got a knife and cut some lettuce and washed it off and you got a bowl of water and put it in the box with the rabbit. When the rabbit sniffed the lettuce it started eating immediately. After the rabbit was done you got it some more food and water and put the box in the laundry room for the night. Then you turned the light on and closed the door. After that you went upstairs and did your nightly routine.

After you were done you saw Starscream sleeping soundly in your bed so you got in next to him and fell asleep. During the night he ended up spooning you.

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