Christmas Eve

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Today was Christmas Eve and Starscream just happened to bring a box of Christmas decorations a few days ago.

"Hey Starscream, can we go get a pine tree?" You asked him curiously.

"Why do you need a pine tree?" Starscream asked you.

"To use as a Christmas tree, of course." You said as you rolled your eyes.

You told Starscream about Christmas trees and how tonight you would read the Christmas story and how Santa Claus brings presents.

"Wait, so a jolly fat man breaks into your living room and leaves you presents?" Starscream asked you, clearly confused at what you just told him.

"Yes." You said.

"And he uses a magic snowball to see what you're doing all year long in order to know if you've been bad or good?" He asked you curiously.

"Yes Starscream, now lets go." You said as you got your coat on.

Very well, we will get a pine tree." Starscream said as he carefully picked you up.

You both went outside where he could transform and you climbed in and he flew to the closest forest.

"Alright Y/n, how about this tree?' Starscream asked you as he pointing to a tree a little taller than himself.

"No Starscream, we don't have that many decorations." You said.

"Well then how about this one?" Starscream asked you as he pointing to one that was only about two feet tall.

"No Starscream, that tree needs to grow up a little more." You said.

You then spotted the perfect tree. It was about six feet tall and was the most beautiful looking pine tree in the whole forest.

"Starscream, that's the one." You said as you pointed to the tree.

Starscream carefully pulled out the tree and evened out the bottom so it would fit in the tree holder.

"Thank you Starscream, lets head for home. You said.

Starscream transformed and you pushed the tree in the cockpit and carefully sat next to the tree and Starscream flew home. After you both got home you got the tree in the living room and Starscream activated his holoform to help you decorate.

"Okay Starscream, can you put these ornaments on that side of the tree?" You asked him as you gave him a couple of ordements.

He did what you said and you took his picture, after a while the ornaments were on along with the lights.

"Oh Starscream, it's beautiful but can you put the star on top?" You asked him as you gave him the star.

"Of course, Y/n." Starscream said as he put the star on the top.

"Well Y/n , I must admit the tree looks rather lovely now." Starscream said as he looked at the tree.

"Now, about the story." You said.

(pretend that's you reading the story out loud)

You finished the story and saw Starscream had fallen asleep so you carefully went to a room that Starscream never used so you could get his present and push it by his berth and you went to do your night routine and went to bed.

Starscream x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now