You prank him

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Today Starscream had gone to find more energon so since he was gone you would do a little exploring, thankfully you had made a map of the Harbinger. While you were exploring you found his stash of energon cubes and you got an idea. You then went back to your kitchen, grabbed a bottle of blue coolaid and went back to the energon cubes.

"Lets see what happens to him when I pour blue coolaid in this energon cube." You said as you poured it in, but nothing happened.

"Well, maybe it will give Starscream a sugar rush, only time will tell." You said as you walked out of the room

You continued to go through the ship when you found a dead end.

"Great now I have to turn back, maybe I'll prank Starscream." You said as you went back to his room and the doors opened (Starscream had put a motion sensor at your level on all the doors for you) and then you rigged the door to play Barbie Girl each time he walked in, speaking of Starscream, he had finally come back.

You waited for him to come in his room and when he did the song started playing.

"What the frag, why is there a human song playing?" Starscream asked in shock.

You couldn't help but giggle at Starscream's reaction. But when he saw you he glared at you.

"Y/n! What is THIS song playing each time I walk in my berthroom door?" He asked you angrily.

"Uh, I meant it to be a prank." You said shyly.

"Well can you please undo it?" He asked you.

"Okay." You said as you got to work undoing your prank, at least the energon cube you poured coolaid in was still around for a latter day.

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