forty-four [s]

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april 9th, 2018


Trinity's beauty completely consumes my vision as I wake up in her bed. She's still asleep, silent breaths slipping from her slightly agape mouth. She looks stunning, the sunlight hitting her cheekbone perfectly as it sneaks in between the curtains.

Just admiring her makes my heart skip a beat. I have never felt more in love in my entire life. She's my definition of love. The absolute love of my life. I'm sure of it.

I stretch, careful not to disturb her. I smile and rub my eyes as I remember our unbelievable sex yesterday. Afterwards, we cooked dinner whilst dancing around the kitchen half naked. Things like that make me realise just how wonderful Trinity really is.

I turn on my side again and gaze at my girlfriend as she rests. My right hand lands gently on her upper back, where I soothingly rub circles with my fingertips. She'd love me doing this if she were awake. I sneak a glance at her body; she's only wearing panties. Nothing else. And she looks amazing.

After a few kisses to her forehead, I manage to wake her. She mumbles something and immediately balls her fists to rub her eyes. She folds her hands under the side of her head and looks up at me. I smile and so does she.

"Morning, baby," I whisper. I lean in to kiss her neck but don't get very far as her phone buzzes on her bedside table. She groans and reaches her arm out to grab it.

I watch her chocolate orbs scan the screen and her slim fingers type at the keyboard.

"It's just Charlie," T informs me, noticing my stare on her, "girls night tonight, me, her and Amber."

I nod my head and Trinity shuts off her phone. Her hands go directly to my hair and I smile, relaxed. My face cuddles into her neck as she plays with my hair. She loves to do that, but I think I appreciate it way more than she knows.

"Alright, I have to shower," Trinity says after a few minutes.

I moan, "Stay for a while."

Trinity chuckles as I roll over, resting on my forearms as I hover above her. I cock an eyebrow and she yawns below me. I kiss her lips three times before she gently pushes me off. I lay flat on my back as she slips out of bed. I reach for my phone as she rummages about her wardrobe for an outfit for later.

"Trinity," I hum and she glances over her shoulder, urging me to go on, "can I take a picture of you?"

Trinity pulls out a pair of black jeans and faces me with her arms folded across her naked chest, "What?" she chuckles.

"I want a photo of you," I shrug, "you look incredible."

"Shawn, you're not taking a photo of me wearing nothing but underwear!" she scolds with a small smile, "What if someone sees that?"

"No one will!" I reassure her, jutting out my bottom lip and locking eyes with her own, "Promise."

"No, Shawn," Trinity mumbles with a shake of the head. I sigh and watch as she grabs a towel from a hook on her wall. She bends down to grab her dirty laundry from yesterday and that's when I snap a picture of her wonderful body.


Of course I didn't turn my phone on silent. Only me.

"What?" I laugh, snapping another. I look at it and laugh again and Trinity curses at me. In the photo, she's biting her lip to hide a grin as she kneels with one knee on the mattress, attempting to grab my phone with the hand that isn't holding her towel. Her eyes are glistening, her hair is bouncy and natural. The pale blue of her underwear stands out against her tanned skin.

"Let me keep them!" I beg, "You're gorgeous!"

Trinity blushes and licks her lips, "I hate you."

"Mhm," I laugh, "that smile says otherwise."

I stand up and grab her cheeks with my hands. I shake her head gently and she giggles. I kiss her once and she hugs me tightly. Her hands gently rub up and down my bare back and she kisses my chest twice.

"Love you."

"I love you, T."


Jack, Tony and I all take turns shooting hoops in our usual outdoor basketball court, the one that I showed Trinity. God, that seems like ages ago now. Evan couldn't make it as he's visiting family until Wednesday.

"I'm shitting bricks for the game in a few weeks," Jack admits after he scores a perfect basket.

"I feel you," Tony sighs, "I wonder if any of us will get a spot."

Jack shrugs, "I dunno man." I watch as Tony takes his shot, the orange coloured ball bouncing off of the ring and landing on the tarmac near me. "What 'bout you, Shawn? You work better under pressure."

I smile a little and bend my knees before tossing the ball, "I guess," I mutter as it swiftly falls through the net, "I'm nervous, though. I really want that spot, but if I actually manage to earn it, that means I'll have to leave T."

"Oh, yeah. What if she gets another hot roommate and falls in love with him?" Anthony jokes, but I don't laugh. Instead, I glare at him and Jack as they stupidly chuckle.

"Shut up, man," I scoff, "plus, I don't even know if I'd prefer to pursue music or not."

Jack bounces the ball between his legs as if it's second nature, "Don't snap, but don't you think music is more of a hobby and ball is more of a passion? Or are you really thinking this through?"

I shrug and steal the ball from him, passing it to Anthony for him to land a basket, "To be honest, I love music. I don't think anybody fully knows or understands that. I don't think people know that side of me, besides you guys, T, and my family," I explain, "it's just the decision of whether music's a hobby and ball is the passion... or if it's the other way 'round."

The three of us continue to practice and play, not much chat of our futures coming up from there. I soon return home, pushing the door open and spotting Trinity, Amber and Charlie cuddled together on the sofa watching a film.

"You prick!" Trinity shrieks, throwing popcorn at me. I dodge it and furrow my eyebrows.

"You scared us! We're watching Insidious!"

I bark out a laugh and Amber and Charlie shoot daggers at me, "Hey, that movie isn't that scary! Where's Bree?"

I know the girls aren't as close to her as each other, but she's still their friend. I toss my keys on the kitchen counter and shrug off my zip up hoodie, hanging it on a hook on the wall by the door.

"On a date," Charlie mutters, trying to act intimidating as she looks me up and down. All I do is laugh.

I playfully pout my lips as Trinity's eyebrows remain tugged inward in annoyance. I make my way to the couch and wrap my arms around her shoulders from behind. I kiss her cheek a few times.

"Sorry. I love you. I'll be in my room, 'kay?"

I catch Trinity trying to hide her grin as the two girls beside her nudge her giddily, "Okay. Love you too."

My heart swells at her words and I enter my bedroom, changing into grey joggers and a black t-shirt. As I open my bedroom door to use the bathroom, I hear mutters of my name from the living room.

"Jesus Christ, you've found a hottie!" Amber says and I shake my head with a smile.

"Yeah, Trin! And he loves you. I'm jealous," Charlie's voice whispers.

"Shut up!" Trinity giggles and I bite my lip with a smile. I love that sound. "I know he's hot and I love him too, but you two need to shut it before he hears you."

I cock an eyebrow and chuckle silently to myself before entering the bathroom. I do my business and wash my face before brushing my teeth. I shut off the bathroom light before returning to my bedroom and closing the door to drown out the noise of the TV. I leap into bed and rip off my shirt, cuddling into my pillows that still smelled like Trinity.

Hopefully, she'll join me during the night and I can wake up to her gorgeous face tomorrow morning.

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