eight [t]

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february 21st, 2018


I sigh as the lunch bell rings and pack up my English literature textbook, my hardback note copy and my scattered pens. I pass Shawn on the steps and he smirks at me, I ignore it. I decide to cross the quad and head over to the campus coffee shop. As I walk, I pull out my phone from my denim jacket pocket. I reply to a text from Charlie, who's sick today, and Ma, who says she misses me. I smile at that. I miss her too.

A taller, broader chest forcefully knocks into me and my glasses fall from my head.

"Oh, fuck! I'm so sorry- oh, hey Trinity," I look up to see Evan. I grin, checking my glasses.

"They're not cracked," I breathe in relief.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

His beautiful, glossy blue eyes bore into my own and his plump lips curve in a smile. He chuckles nervously, "Um, let me buy you a coffee? Tea? A true apology," he teasingly smirks.

I softly chuckle as I break eye contact, "Sure. I'd like that."

Evan walks with me to the steps of the raised platform, where the coffee shop sits beside the library. We enter the old-school styled café and I happily inhale the scent of strong coffee and lemon cake.

"Why don't you grab us a table? What would you like?" Evan says in my ear, a hand on my upper arm. My skin burns even through my jacket and long sleeved v-neck.

"Uh- okay. Yeah. Could I just get a black coffee, please?"

"Not a problem, love."

My lips curl at the nickname and I quickly find a table by the window. I take a seat and set my bag down beside my legs as an Avril Lavigne song plays in the background. College students chatter around me and I see dozens walking by the quad or entering and exiting the library.

"One black coffee for the lady." Evan's deep voice drags me from my daydream and I grin thankfully as he sets a large mug on the table. He takes a seat across from me and takes a quick gulp of his own black coffee, sighing contentedly. "So how are you?" he asks me. The glare of his glasses doesn't seem to bother him. His hair is waved and styled effortlessly to perfection.

"I'm alright," I smile and sip my hot drink, "English lit dragged today though. What about you?"

Evan shrugs his built shoulders, "Good enough. My mum's kind of on my back about college lately. She's... weird like that." He bites his bottom lip just as I notice his light jaw and upper lip stubble. To be fair, it's so easily missed. It's barely there, but I see it.

I frown, "Oh. Sorry. Hey, my advice? Don't stress it that much until final exams. You'll be fine, I know so."

Evan's smile widens from across the table and my eyes avert to over his shoulder where Anthony and Shawn enter the coffee shop. Shawn orders before he notices me. He winks and collects his change before strolling over. I discreetly roll my eyes, did he really feel the need to interrupt now?

He pulls up a chair from a vacant table nearby and straddles it backwards. His arms lean on the back of the chair as he cheekily smiles at the both of us.

"Well, well. Do we have a date here?" he teases.

He tries to go unnoticed in his action to look me up and down, but I notice it. I always do.


"It's called getting a coffee," I eventually declare.

Anthony joins us as he, too, brings up a chair. He sits as Shawn does and slices his lemon cake. Shawn rises to retrieve his coffee and muffin.

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