thirty-eight [t]

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april 1st, 2018


The flight was boring and inexplicably tiring. Children in front of us cried, children behind us kicked our seats. Shawn was lucky enough to get some sleep, but I'm not surprised. That boy could fall asleep wherever, whenever.

The goodbye's to Shawn's family were slightly emotional. His mum cried, knowing she'd miss him — and maybe me — and wouldn't see him for another few weeks when she would fly out to Los Angeles for business. Shawn's brothers embraced us with individual hugs that warmed my heart and their dad told me to take care of myself.

We're at home now and I'm fondling with Shawn's curls as he sleeps beside me in his bed. I text Charlie with the other hand, answering multiple questions she had about Canada.

R his brothers hot?

  if shawn looks like that, what do you think?

  Hook me up ?;)

  uhhmmm nope. U wanna do brunch tomorrow?

  Sure! I'll text u.

Shawn stirs, his dark hair tickling my jaw as he rolls on top of me, groaning out in tiredness. He pecks a small kiss to the crook of my neck before heavily exhaling and falling right back into a slumber. I contain a chuckle, soothingly rubbing his hoodie clad back.

My mind drifts and I think about college, work and Ireland. We have yet another week off from college due to Easter break but I have to get back to work on Tuesday. Easter Sunday is tomorrow, and I couldn't care less about it. My family and I aren't religious, the most we do at Easter is eat chocolate eggs and lay in bed all day. I wouldn't know if that's different with Shawn, I suppose I'll find out.

I find my breathing slowing down in a state of tranquility as I relax beneath Shawn's body weight, allowing my eyes to close. I need sleep and rest, I only slept for two hours last night and not even thirty minutes on the flight. I discreetly tug the bed covers closer to Shawn's shoulder so that they cast more heat upon my upper body.


april 2nd, 2018

I groan and roll over in bed, blindly searching for Shawn's body but feeling nothing but the bedsheets. I unwillingly open my eyes, bringing my left wrist to my face and examining my watch that tells the time of 11am.

I spot Shawn at his wardrobe, dressed in accentuating red boxer briefs. His back muscles ripple and flex as he pushes multiple hangers aside to retrieve some sort of shirt or hoodie. When he finds one that satisfies him, he rips it off of the hanger and tugs the sky blue coloured jumper over his mop of curls. It's then that he spins around and sees me staring.

"Morning, baby," Shawn greets. I grin as he makes his way over, squatting beside the bed and kissing my lips once.

"Hi," I hum, tiredly rubbing my eyes, "where are you off to?"

Shawn rolls his eyes and stands up straight, rummaging around in drawers for some pants, "I'm going to the campus library to study." His tone is irritated and high pitched as he mocks.

"Isn't it closed during Easter break?" I ask in confusion. I always thought college facilities wouldn't be open to the public during holidays like this.

"Nope," Shawn sighs, "library is nearly always open." He pulls out a pair of grey sweatpants from one of his drawers and pulls them up his muscle-thickened legs.

"Okay," I drag out, "but why are you going there to study?"

"I talked with my mum when we were in Canada. I told her the truth about my grades, how I mostly fail and if I pass, it's barely. She told me I need to study if I wanted to keep living in her apartment building," Shawn scoffs, "I mean, surely it was just a meaningless threat, but I wouldn't put it passed her to kick me out and force me to live in a frat."

I make a face and watch as Shawn laces up his white converse, "That sucks. Could be for the best, though. In your final year, if you fail six exams, the university is going to force you to leave their campus."

"I know," he huffs.

Shawn says nothing after that, instead scrambles to slip on his black denim jacket. He tames his curls just a little by dragging a large hand through them. He's about to leave before his head turns to look at me and his eyes light up in the cutest way possible.

"I almost forgot!" he grins, "My basketball game is next month, I really want you there. So, will you come? For me?"

A smile works its way across my lips and I nod my head quickly, "I'll be there."

"I'll see you later, babe."

Shawn exits the bedroom with a wide smirk on his face and when I hear the front door shut, I decide to head into the bathroom and shower, remembering that I have brunch with Charlie today.

I shower and dry my hair in the space of twenty minutes, the hot water leaving me feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I apply light makeup just to make myself presentable and dress in a stylish pair of Adidas joggers along with a t-shirt and denim jacket. It's starting to get warmer out, even though we're still experiencing delayed wintry showers of rainfall.

As I'm pulling my hair tie around a bunch of hair to form a bun, my phone double vibrates with a text message from Charlie. I slip on my vans before sliding my thumb against my phone screen and reading the text.

  Ok so I know u work at monica's but they have the BEST pancakes.. what d'you say?

  yeah sure. i'll meet u there in 15

I wasn't expecting to appear at Monica's before work on Tuesday but they really do have great food and coffee. I spritz some Ted Baker spray against my neck and wrists before leaving my bedroom and heading for the front door. I exit the apartment and lock the door, receiving yet another text, this time from Shawn.

  Studying is so boring did u know that

I bite my lip and hold back a chuckle as I decide to take the stairs rather than the elevator. My thumbs move quite fast in order to type a reply.

  everybody who cares about schoolwork knows that, shawn

Miss u.

study!! fool.

I soon make it to the lobby, where I wave at our landlord who happens to be enduring a seemingly boring phone call at the front desk. He shoots me a smile and rolls his eyes towards the office phone in his hand. I chuckle and leave the building, steering right and beginning to walk down the sunny sidewalk in the direction of Monica's.

I think about how I desperately want a car as I stroll. Sure, uni is only a few minute walk and work is only ten, but a car would come in handy. I know Shawn told me I could take his Jeep whenever, but I don't trust myself in such a large vehicle. A funky Mini Cooper would suit me better.

It's not long before I approach the diner and spot Charlie's blonde head of hair through the front windows. I enter the warm embrace of the diner and my co-worker, Andy, greets me with a grin from behind the counter.

"Trinity! We've missed you around here," he tells me.

"And I've missed you, Andy." I chuckle as I slide into the red cushioned booth, taking the opposite side to Charlie.

"Do I know you?" she jokes, teasingly sliding her tinted Ray Ban sunglasses down the bridge of her nose. I roll my eyes, but I can't prevent my massive smile.

"Shut up and order me a coffee."

𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 → 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐬 (𝐢)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora