twelve [t]

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march 7th, 2018


Professor Underwood speaks on human capital and supply and demand as I gaze out of the window of the lecture hall. He's a great lecturer, a little bit strange and out there, but aren't the best of them? For example, he insists on teaching without his shoes on, which both amuses and baffles me.

I refocus on the two meter length whiteboard that hangs above his wooden desk on the wall and watch as he points to a simple diagram he has drawn.

I take notes upon notes until I feel a crumpled ball of paper hit the side of my head. I swiftly look to my right and glare at Shawn as he bites back a laugh. This wasn't unusual of him, in fact he did this quite often just to piss me off. He sits three seats away in my row and a girl beside me chuckles. I offer an apologetic smile for disturbing her note-taking.

"Open it," Shawn mouths to me as I cock an eyebrow. He never really writes messages inside. The purpose is usually zero. I try my best to smooth out the sheet of A4 paper and I can see Shawn intently staring from the corner of my eye.

I gasp, but cover it up with a cough. There on the page, writing in bright green pen are the words "great rack".


"I cannot believe you! Actually, I can. How dare you, I was so conscious and mortified for the remainder of that class!" I scold Shawn as we cross the quad towards the coffee shop during lunch.

His smile is wide as he shows off his perfectly aligned teeth. The edges of his mesmerising eyes seem to crinkle as he laughs at me, "Hey! I thought you'd like it! It was a compliment, T. Plus, it's true. Nice cleavage." He points to the neck of my causal v-neck and smirks down at my flustered state. "C'mon babes, I only did it to get under your skin."

"You're ridiculous," I sigh.

The both of us enter the café, the strong yet refreshing scent of coffee beans swirling around my being. We spot our little group in a corner booth and head over. I sit in a free spot beside Evan and he greets me with a short, gentle kiss. I'm not a big fan of PDA, at least not too much of it. Shawn slides in beside me and I smile at Charlie across the table. She winks as Evan's arm slips around my shoulders and I silently chuckle.

Jack, Anthony, Amber (a girl Charlie introduced me to recently who I've grown quite fond of) and a boy who I haven't met before sit around the table.

"Oh! Caleb, this is Trinity. Trinity, Caleb," Amber introduces us, "he's my brother's friend."

"Nice to meet you," Caleb says smoothly and I smile at him as I nod.

"How come your brother isn't here, too?" I curiously ask Amber and Shawn slides out of his seat. For a second, I wonder where he's going but I realise he's probably just gone to order.

"My brother doesn't attend UCLA. I only know Caleb from back home in Chicago. We get along though, right?"

She turns to Caleb and he feigns disgust, "I'm not sure about that."

"Please," Amber scoffs and we all chuckle.

We each engage in different conversations until a cup of tea is placed in front of me. I watch as Shawn sits beside me once again and raise my eyebrows.

"Don't worry," he scoffs, "I didn't poison it or anything."

"I wasn't going to say so. Well, thank you."

All Shawn does is nod and offer a slight side smile before Evan begins talking to me. "Are you free tonight? Maybe a movie at the cinema and some junk food?"

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