twenty-seven [s]

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march 20th, 2018


"Doodledo!" I sing as I enter the apartment. I laugh at myself before noticing Trinity conked out on the sofa. "Hey honeyyy, I'm home!"

I slip off my shoes and jump on top of Trinity's sexy body. She groans under me and I lick my lips hungrily.

"Shawn?" she mumbles, "What're you doing? Are you drunk?"

"No!" I defend, giggling. Trinity sighs and worms her way out from underneath me. I feel my body become heavier and I yawn.

"Shawn, get up. I'm changing you," she orders. I stand up straight and salute her. She rolls her eyes as I follow her through to my bedroom.

Trinity tugs off my t-shirt and before I can offer her sex, she pulls a fresh one back over my head. I pout and she unbuckles my jeans. She slides them off and helps me into a pair of comfortable sweatpants.

"Thank you, baby," I hum as she tucks me into bed. I pucker my lips, aching for a kiss from this beautiful lady.

"Where were you 'til now?" she inquires.

I shrug, "I was with Alex. A girl who lives four doors down." I watch as her pretty face pales and she gulps noticeably.

"Why?" she whispers.

"We went for coffee and then I took her to a club. We went back to her place and-" I start to explain what went down with Alex and I but Trinity abruptly stands up. She raises her hand, silently telling me not to talk.

"Go to bed, Shawn," she tells me, her voice trembling and weak. I mumble an 'okay' as she leaves my bedroom. I see her wipe her right eye and my lips form a pout. I didn't mean to upset her.


I wake up the following day with a pounding headache. Surprise, surprise. My eyes avert to my watch, which shows the time of twelve in the afternoon. I groan and realise my music lecture is halfway through already. I wonder why T didn't wake me as usual.

I send her a quick text, grinning at the thought of her.

  good luck at mon's. bet you look hot in an apron ;)

After taking some Tylenol and showering, I check my phone to see if she has responded. My screen shows that she's read my text, but there's no reply. I shrug it off, she's probably busy working hard in economics.

I try to piece together last night, but half of it is a blur. The last thing I remember is leaving Alex's apartment before coming back here.

I sigh and enter my music room. Before Trinity and I had sex the other night, I was writing a song. My own song. I don't have a lot written, but I love what I have. I run it through and practice, adding a few lyrics. I smile at my progress, maybe this could work out after all.


The front door swings open and my head snaps towards it. Trinity steps inside and hangs up her jacket after kicking off her shoes. I remember how she had work today and I'm eager to ask her about it.

"Hey hun," I greet.

Trinity mumbles a short response and boils the kettle. She always has either tea or coffee after college. I find myself standing as I rise from the couch to walk over to her. My arms hang over the front of her shoulders and I kiss the side of her head. I feel her tense, which is unusual. Usually, she'd relax at my touch and offer a cute smile. Instead, she jumps out of my embrace and I frown at her.

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