twenty [t]

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march 15th, 2018


I feel a body shuffle beside me which causes me to wake. I tiredly rub my eyes and smile lightly as I see Shawn sleeping in close proximity to my own body. His plush lips are slightly parted, quick smooth breaths escaping from them. His eyelashes look lengthy as they rest on his under-eyes and his fluffy hair is disheveled and messy.

I reach over to my bedside table to check my phone. I see that it's 8:30am and curse under my breath. Classes start at nine. I leap out of bed and rummage through my wardrobe before pulling out a pair of figure-hugging joggers and a hoodie. I speedily undress and slide the joggers up my legs. In the midst of all the rush, I seem to forget a bra, but I don't care. I slide my arms through my denim jacket sleeves and throw my tangled hair up in a bun. I toss my English textbook that was sitting atop my desk into my Adidas backpack before lacing up a pair of black converse.

I see that Shawn is moving about from the corner of my eye as I slide my glasses on to my face. I decide to forget about makeup, no way do I have time for that.

"Why the hurry?" Shawn's voice is unbelievably deep and has a slight rasp to it. It's incredibly sexy, but I need to leave straight away, so I can't get sidetracked.

"Classes start in—" I quickly check my watch and my eyes widen, "fifteen minutes!"

Shawn chuckles and grabs the pillow that I was previously laying on. He hugs it close to him and squeezes it for comfort, "Will you come to my basketball practice after school? It starts at one."

I glance at him, his eyes calmly shut and his cheekbones rosy, "Uhm— I don't know. Won't Evan be there?"

"Nope. This is singular practice. Team practice got cancelled today because coach is sick."

"Okay... so how come you want me to go?" I sigh and shove my phone in my jacket pocket.

"Oh just come, will you? We can even play a bit of one-on-one," he smirks, "like last time."

I chuckle softly and nod my head, "Alright, but I gotta go now. I take it you're skipping?"

"I'm going to my music class, so I'll pick you up outside the library after second lecture." His voice is strangely relaxed and I wonder if he even knows what he's talking about.

"Sure. Bye, Shawn."
"Bye, babe."

My stomach twists in delight and I bite back a grin. As much as I want to kiss those pink lips, I don't. Instead, I rush to the kitchen where I find a granola bar and tear the packet open. I scoff it down before brushing my teeth. I leave the apartment and race to the elevator, noting that campus is a ten minute walk, and classes also start in ten minutes.


"Hey," I greet Charlie as she walks up the steps, sliding into a chair beside me in the economics lecture hall.

"Hi," she chirps. She retrieves the hefty textbook from her oversized handbag.

"Where were you during English lit?" I ask her, remembering how I haven't seen her all day until now.

"I was at home. My geographical studies class is due an A3 project next class, which I of course forgot all about, so I stayed home and did it." A bright smile adorns her lips as she says this and I chuckle, she's clearly proud of her short work.

"Right!" Professor Underwood exclaims and the students around us silence themselves, "Phones away, eyes on the board, zone out if you'd like— I get paid either way."

𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 → 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐬 (𝐢)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें