08 | Jack Kline x Reader

Start from the beginning

Nevertheless, each time one of your brothers would become loud, you would squee Jack's hand in reassurance. He seemed to find comfort in your presence and, to be totally honest, you found Jack's aura to be quite soothing.

No one, especially you, liked to see their family fight. With Dean being so much like your father, the scene before you flashed you straight back to when you were just six years old. The fighting being Sam and John was never-ending. They would yell and shout at each other until their throats were raw and raspy from screaming so loud. And even then, when the argument seemed to be over, the looks of pure hatred on their faces were even worse than the yelling. You spent the rest of your years curled but next to Dean, trying to hide the tears as he tried his best to protect you from the fighting. Maybe that's why you and Dean were so close. Maybe that's why every time you could hear Dean's voice booming with rage that you quivered at the sound.

It reminded you of your father. And not in a good way.

Jack seemed to notice your discomfort, as the boy's brawl soon turned into an all-out screaming match in the front seat. As if by second nature, Jack's started to rub his thumb against the back of your hand. In response you tightened your grip, the tears collecting at the bottom of your eyes, as you were forced to watch your brothers wail at each other.

It quickly became all too much and you clamp your eyes shut. You wanted to cover your ears, to block out the horrid sounds, but Jack's grip on you was strong. So, instead, you curled into him, an action you were all too familiar with. Within an instant, you felt his arms wrap around you, firm and steady, something you were clearly in need of. Another moment ticks by, the sounds of the car and your brother's voices slowly started to fade away, but you don't dare open your eyes. You just cling to Jack's shirt as a small whimper escapes your lips.

"Y/N, open your eyes!"

Jack's voice seemed to be clearer now. Nothing was draining it out anymore. No humming of a car engine. No two voices bickering. Just the sweet low pitch of his voice against your ear. Hesitating a little, you open your eyes to see that you were no longer in the back seat of the Impala. You were now standing, Jack's arms still around you, but not as tight as before. Surprisingly calm, you pulled from his embrace to look at him. He was no longer looking at you, but a small and relaxed smirk still lays on his face. Following his trance, your eyes quickly capture the beautiful picture of the rising sun. Gasping, your head darts in random directions trying to figure out where you exactly were.

As you do so, panic fills your body. It was clear you were a long way from the back seat of your brother's car. You were now standing at the top of what looked like the Eiffel Tower. How you got there was the furthest thing from your mind, as your brain began to comprehend how high up you were. The one thing you hated more than seeing your brother's fight was heights.

Shrieking in fear, you grab onto Jack's shirt once more, nearly knocking him over in the process. Luckily, he bounces back quickly, placing his hands gently on either side of your tear soaked cheeks. Instinctively, he brushes them away with his thumb, meeting your E/C eyes with his light blue ones.

"Hey, hey," he said quietly, "there's nothing to be afraid of."

You had half a mind to laugh. This was coming from the kid that was basically scared of everything. Especially, his powers! How could he be so tranquil in this situation?

"Just keep your eyes on me," he uttered, his blue orbs still trained on you. "And when you're ready, we can watch the sunrise."

Nodding, you bite down on your tongue. You watch him, as he continues to give you a warm look. His full attention on you as you start to calm down with each passing moment. Your hold on his loosens a bit, as you try to muster the courage to look out. You knew in your head that if you didn't look, you would be missing out on a scene of a lifetime. You were in Paris for christ sake! How many times were you able to say that sentence?

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