We left the house and ended up getting to the hospital in no time. I think my anxiousness... if that's a word... motivated me to get to the hospital as fast as I could. Asia got the call the other day that we could get out baby girl from the hospital today. It would be nice if this could be our last hospital visit for a long ass time. I'm sick of coming to the hospital. Ha! Sick. Hospital. Sick people go... My sense of humor is off as fuck.

"Khali your phone keeps going off. Aren't you going to answer it?" Asia asked as I looked for a parking spot.

"I'm sure it's just my mother nagging me about meeting her grand baby."

I found a spot and parked the car.

"You should have her stop by to meet her."

I oddly looked over at her. I knew she was in a good mood, but I didn't realize it was that good! I'm shocked she's so willing to meet my mom. Well, she doesn't know how she is, so... yeah.

"Okay I'll talk to her in a little bit."

We got out the car. I grabbed the black and pink car seat out the backseat then we proceeded into the hospital. I'm sure they want to actually see the car seat so they know that the baby actually has one.

"Daddy where TinkTink?!" He questioned as we walked behind Asia.

"She's right in the room that's all the way down there!" Asia said as she pointed down the hall.

She then went over to the receptionist to talk to her. Soon a nurse walked with us to the nursery so she could get Katelynn for us and go over some things with Asia. Things like breastfeeding, changing diapers, and all that good stuff. She then had Asia sign some discharge papers then we were free to go. Asia strapped Katelynn into her car seat, but I carried it since it's so heavy.

A nigga said he wasn't gonna cry when he laid eyes on his daughter, but... nah, I still haven't. She's absolutely gorgeous and it was most def love at first sight though. She has the most adorable, pouty lips, a cute skin tone that's just a shade or two lighter than Asia's, a curly head full of hair, and she has the cutest brown eyes. I know they might change, but they are very beautiful. Not dark, but not really light either. Appearance aside, I am extremely thankful that baby girl is doing good in the health department. I was really worried about her each and every day she had to stay in the hospital.


I looked up from her and realized I was just standing in the middle of the hall.

"Oh, my bad."

When we got out to the car, Asia strapped Khalid in while I strapped Katelynn in.

She sat in the back with them, so on the way back home, I talked to my mom. I kept our conversation short and to the point.

By the time we got back home, this woman was already parked in the driveway. I understand she doesn't live too far, but we literally just got off the phone with each other. She must've just coincidentally been 'in the neighborhood.'

"Ooo is that Grammy?! I wanna see Grammy!" Khalid yelled as he started clawing at his seatbelt. Asia got out then let him out. He ran over to my mom as she got out of her car. He happily jumped in her arms and she kissed on him and hugged him as if she hadn't seen him in weeks. I wonder who's fault that is though.

"Oh hey baby! How have you been? Grandma really missed you. Someone hasn't been taking care of their priorities and bringing you to see me."

For as long as I live I will probably never understand females. One minute they're okay with something, and the next minute they hate it. She was the one who was complaining about seeing Khalid too much, now she's complaining about not seeing him enough. Wish she'd figure out what she damn wants.

I got out the car then reached into the back seat to get Katelynn out. She instantly starting crying.

"Aww don't worry sweetheart." I shut my door and locked the car up. "Your grandma is... isn't as bad as you think." A forced a smile on my face and made a silly face at her.

Asia and I walked over to my mom and Khalid. She put him down then she eagerly grabbed Katelynn out my hands.

"Ohhh who is this cute little baby right here?!" She made funny faces at Katelynn then she started crying again. My mom then had to rock her to make her stop.

"Her name is Katelynn Valentina Graham, ma. And this is Asia."

Asia nervously extended her hand to my mom, but my mom secured Katelynn in one arm then she gave Asia a hug. "Hi! Well, I'm Paulina. Khali's mom as you already know. Welcome to the family!"

Not sure who looked more shocked, me, Asia, or Khalid.

"Enough of this standing around, let's go in and get this little baby situated."

We went in the house. My mom took Asia upstairs to the nursery, most likely to talk her ears off, so I took that as my time to sneak back in my room and attempt to get some sleep.

I'm surprised how my mom reacted to Asia, but I'm glad she did react that way because I really didn't know how to expect her to act. I'm glad that all the members of my lil family are content with each other.

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