Chapter 24 A Party!

Start from the beginning

There was a time when I was alone
No where to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away too

I have always thought that this song is like my story, because I was always
alone. Having only my spirits as company.

Then one night, as I close my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me, I promise that you'll never be lonely."

Peter Pan is my savior, Natsu.
He was always by my side, protecting me forever. It was us against the world!

And ever since that day...
I am a lost boy, from Neverland,
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods!
Always on the run from Captain Hook!

The evil we faced together is captain hook. A common enemy that made us united!

"Run, run, lost boy"
They say to me
Away from all of reality
Neverland is home to lost boys like me, lost boys like me are free (x2)

Neverland is Fairy Tail, a place that never changes. We will always be united!

He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe,
Believe in him and believe in me
Together we will fly away in a cloud of green, to your beautiful destiny
As we soared above the town that never loved me, I realized I finally had a family!

Fairy Tail was, and still is, my family!
Though I want to visit my dad now..

Soon enough we reached Neverland,
Peacefully my feet hit the sand
And ever since that day~

I am a lost boy, from Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we played in the woods, always on the run from Captain Hook.

"Run, run, lost boy"
They say to me
Away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free (x2)

Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy Darlin', even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book

Neverland I love you so, you are now my home sweet home!
Forever a lost boy, at last

Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy Darlin', even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book

Neverland I love you so, you are now my hone sweet home!
Forever a lost boy, at last

And for always I will say....
I am a lost boy, from Neverland,
usually hanging out with Peter Pan!
And when we're bored we play in the woods, always on the run from Captain Hook!

"Run, run, lost boy"
They say to me,
Away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free (x2)

I smile when I finish, everyone is smiling and dancing. This is sure to be the best night ever.

Nastu's POV~
The night goes on and I can't stop myself from starring at Lucy. She just looks so darn beautiful. Unfortunately some of the other guys in the guild noticed too, now that she is obviously drunk and flirty they all flirt with her. Though she does turn down some, Loke comes out and flirts with her. She flirts back so much that Loke is forced to go because of having such a huge nosebleed. Soon the jealousy is too much and I storm over and snatch her from all the annoying guys trying to steal my Luce- No don't think like that. I drag her out of sight from everyone so I can try and get her sobered up without embarrassing her. "You have such soft hair Nazu~" She says in her cute voice.
I hate it when she is so flirty!!! It makes it harder to not be her friend!!! I keep reminding myself that this is my Luce, my old best friend, who is so beautiful, smart and so much more that it takes everything out of me not to kiss her pretty lips! I shake my head, making myself focus. "Luce you need to drink this." I state, holding out a glass of water. "Why don't you make me~ My fierce Dragon- HIC you~" why can't she be not flirty while drunk and looking that beautiful?! "Drink it. Now." I say, trying to not let it show that what she is saying is affecting me.
"Why~ Don't you loooove me~ I already forgave you Nazu~~~~" She says as she tries to get closer to me.
"B- Because your not in your right mind-" my eyes focus on her lips quickly and I shut my mouth as I get a stupid idea. "What's wrong~ why don't you kiss me~ I can tell you want tooooo~~" Her voice becomes more flirtatious and I can see a woman I am hopelessly in love with. I want to kiss her soooo bad, I just want to taste what her lips taste like, they look so soft. I bet they are soft- my thoughts are cut off immediately when Luce leans in. I try to remind myself that she is drunk, that she will remember this and kill me in the morning.
So I try to fight her off by backing away, but I fail by just trapping myself in an even darker and secluded part of the guild. No one can see us... And she will remember me trying to fight her off- NO! This is my best friend I am talking about! So I fight back, and in the process her lips touch mine. I feel like the world stopped. That nothing matters except Luce.
So I give up and kiss her, forgetting our past, forgetting what I'm doing and that she is drunk. I just kiss her, and I want to keep kissing her. Her lips are just so damn soft and they taste like strawberries. We keep kissing for what feels like forever but what is really only 5 minutes. We pull away for some stupid thing called air, and when we do reality hits me
hard and fast. I just kissed Lucy f*cking Heartfillia, my best friend, while she was drunk, and loved it. It was probably her first kiss!!! Oh my lord that was the best thing I have
ever done- wait that was my first kiss... Oh god... I am soooooo dead.

I hope you all loved this chapter of Nalu!! They are just so adorable!
The song I used was Lost Boy! Please go and look it up! It's amazing!
I hope you all have a wonderful day or night wherever you are in the world! Bye my little Demon's.

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