"Woooooo! That's great!" Kevin immediately yelled and began to celebrate.

"You're not stupid-idiot anymore!" Chris clapped his hands and his classmates joined with him.

"But I can't dismiss the class for that reason, it's against the rule. So why don't we play 'nxt rookie games' what's the first word that comes into your mind as you saw your partner!"

"Lame!" Kevin mocked him. "Put him on the list!" He told Chris.

"No, Bestfriend! I think its a great idea!" Chris grinned.

"Title says it all so I'm gonna pick a random pairing to know your classmates well."

"Gosh, Dolph! I'm excited!" Mike said.

"Me too! I'm excited to be your partner! We know each other so well so it'll be-----"

"I'm so excited to get Maryse as my partner!"

"Her again!" Dolph pouted, rolling his barbie eyes.

"Actually, I already decided and picked your partner! Woooooo!" Mr. Ric stated while holding a list.

"I wish its Bayley!" Finn whispered.

"I wish its Becky!" Sami murmured underneath his breath.

"Here's the pairings, Mizanin and Cena, Reigns and Bella..."

"What the hell!" Mike reacted.

"Who's Reigns?" Nikki wondered.

"...Ambrose and Jericho, Bàlor and Ouellet, Rose and Ziggler, Strowman and Zayn..."

"A-ambrose?! The lunatic one? Are you kidding me?" Chris glared at him.

✘ WWE UNIVERSITY┊ book 1. (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant