Chapter 28

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Betty's P.O.V. Day 2 of being in the facility

i got up the next morning and went to the kitchen because we all have to eat meals together. i sat down and was the last to the table. we all started eating and everyone was having conversations, but i just quietly ate my food.
"how did you get phone privileges?" the girl next to me asked quietly.
"i use the house phone." i replied confused and keeping my voice down as well.
"oh, that's cool. i'm not allowed to." she told me. "who do you keep calling on it? your conversations are really fun to listen to."
i look over at her because i didn't realize she had been listening to the conversations.
"it's my boyfriend." i replied.
"that's cool, i connect to the line, so i can hear you both." she said.
what the hell, she listens to our conversations?
"what's your name?" i asked.
"midge clump." she responded.
"okay, well, midge clump, stop listening to my boyfriend and i's conversations because that's fucking creepy." i told her raising my voice a little.
everyone looked over at me including midge.
"what?" i asked.
"betty, we've been over this, you're not allowed to swear." emilia repeated for the millionth time.
"she listens to my conversations on the phone, that's creepy as fuck." i told her.
a guy sitting across me that looked about my age was looking me up and down impressed.
"my name's reggie." he said.
he had black slick hair and looked like a literal jackass.
"and i have a boyfriend." i replied.
i looked over at emilia, who looked annoyed by my rudeness.
"do you know if i can get picked up from here?" i asked her.
"no, you can't." she replied.
"in that case, i'll be in my room." i told them standing up from my chair.
i went it my room and a few minutes later scotty came in.
"hey, i heard about the scene that happened at breakfast." he said.
"yeah, i swore a couple of times." i replied crossing my arms.
"can we talk in my office please?" he asked.
"sure." i responded.
we went to his office and were sitting down. i was really trying to help myself from this facility, but it wasn't for me, it was for jughead.
"like we talked about yesterday, we are going to focus on the sexual assault and help you get through that." he told me.
"how are you going to do that?" i asked.
"by showing you reasons to live." he replied.
"by showing me reasons to live?" i asked.
"yes, for example, what matters to you the most?" he responded taking the cap off of a pen and getting out a notepad.
"jughead." i replied confused as to what he was trying to do.
he wrote a circle on the notepad with 'jughead' written inside of it.
"okay, so jughead matters to you must, so you live for him, right?" he asked.
"right, i'm sorry, what are—." i started.
"so, say jughead dies." he told me and writes an 'X' across the circle with his name in it. "then what would you do?"
"i don't know, i wouldn't really have a purpose if he did." i replied.
he put his pen cap back on and sat the paper down.
"that's exactly what we need to find, your purpose to live. that you do need to be here." he told me.
"how will this help with my sexual assault problem?" i asked.
"it will show you that things will get better and to live, so that's for self harm. as for that, it will show you how to deal with it properly." he responded.
that pushed me off the fucking edge.
"i'm not trying to be a complete bitch, but have you ever been sexually assaulted. when someone holds you down with no choice and rapes you." i asked.
"because i don't think you have."
"i was seven years old, my mom was drunk and needed a distraction. she held me against my will and i was too young to get it." he replied.
"i am so sorry, i didn't realize." i told him feeling like an asshole.
"exactly, you wouldn't have realized. i coped the same way i'm going to show you." he replied.

Jughead's P.O.V.

i checked the time.
10:33 pm
she was supposed to call me at 10:00 pm.
"what if something happened?" i asked archie nervously sitting at the table staring at my phone.
"she could be eating dinner." he replied.
"or she could be having a breakdown or anxiety attack, arch." i told him starting to freak out.
"she might just be thinking or something, i don't know, i'm sure she's okay." he said trying to reassure me.
i instantly pick up my phone and put it to my ear.
"betty." i said into the phone.
"woah, you sound like you had an awful day." she laughed.
"if literally almost having a panic attack because you called 40 minuets late is awful, then yeah i did." i replied standing up to go to my bedroom.
"sorry, i was, uh, thinking i guess." she sighed.
"is everything okay?" i asked.
"yeah, i just miss you." she replied sounding like there was something else bothering her.
"i miss you too." i responded.
there was uncomfortable silence, which wasn't like her.
"you're sure that's it?" i asked breaking the silence.
"i don't know, it's just what scotty said today, i guess." she replied sounding tired. "anyways, how was your day?"
"it was okay, usual stuff at the bar. nothing interesting." i responded.
"that's good." she said before yawning.
"you sound awfully tired." i chuckled.
"oh, yeah, last night they said i was a reckless mess, so they gave me medicine to help me sleep. you know how i am, i sleep better with you." she told me.
"medicine?" i asked getting concerned.
"yeah, like the typical store bought stuff." she replied.
"they're changing you, betty, they're trying to do something to you. probably trying to turn you guys into a bunch of robots or something." i told her knowing that i wasn't talking to the same person i knew before.
"god, jughead, i know you love conspiracies, but that is a little extreme." she responded. "i'm going to go to bed, i'm really, really tired."
"okay, you'll call me in the morning, right?" i asked.
"yeah, sure." she replied lazily.
"okay. i love you." i said before i heard the line disconnect.
i walked back in the kitchen, where archie still was.
"they gave her medicine to help her sleep!" i exclaimed. "medicine! how it that going to help her?!"
"jughead, calm down." archie told me.
"calm down? are you kidding me!? they are trying to change my girlfriend and saying it will help!" i yelled slamming my fist on the table.
"jug, just sit down." archie told me standing up.
"archie, you would do the exact same thing for veronica, so do not tell me what to do." i replied.
he sat back down in his chair, knowing i was right.
"sorry." he said quietly.
"i know my girlfriend damn well and on the phone just then, i was not talking to my girlfriend." i told him.
"wait, so that wasn't betty?" he asked sounding like an idiot.
"jesus, man, it was her, but it was like someone was controlling her." i replied.
"oh."he responded.
"and i know for a fact that she would not have hung up without saying 'i love you' back before i sent her to that fucking place." i told him. "and there is no chance in hell that i am going to let them brain wash her."

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