Chapter 10

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Betty's P.O.V. Fast Forward To Betty's Birthday

today was the day i was dreading.
my birthday.
i hate it because when i was a kid, there was always problems at home and we had to all get together and act like everything was fine.
i got up and got dressed in a white shirt, white jean shorts, black high top converse, and put my hair in a ponytail. i walked in to the kitchen to see veronica had made muffins and coffee.
"hey, veronica." i said sitting down at the kitchen table.
"hey, birthday girl." she replied bringing muffins and coffee to the table.
"thank you, but really i don't want to do anything for my birthday." i told her.
"i have something planned, but it's not big." she responded.
"veronica, you know i hate my birthday more than life itself." i replied firmly before getting up and going in my room.
after awhile of just hanging out in my bedroom, i decided to go clothes shopping since it was my birthday.
i drove over to the mall and planned on staying for awhile to shop.

Jughead's P.O.V.

veronica showed up at archie and i's house for the party, we decided to have it at my house because we have a pool.
after everything was set up and a few other close friends of betty's showed up i called her.
"jughead." she said as she picked it up.
"hey. happy birthday, baby." i replied.
"thanks. something wrong?" she asked.
"no, i was just wondering if you wanted to come to my house." i responded.
"fine, i'll be there soon." she replied.
"great, also bring your bathing suit." i told her.
"um. okay." she said laughing a little before hanging up.
about an hour later, we heard someone outside and all quickly hid. since she had keys to our house, she unlocked the door and came in.
"jug?" she asked. "why the hell are the lights off?" she added turning the lights on.
we all jumped out yelling "happy birthday" making betty smile slightly, but seeming annoyed. she pulled me to the side to tell me something a few minutes after i came in.
"i told you not to throw a party, jug." she said.
"i know, but i wanted to do something special for you with your friends." i replied.
veronica came in the room with her bathing suit on.
"are you guys coming?" she asked before running off to the pool.
after a bit of convincing, betty finally put on her swim suit. when she came out to the pool area, she looked absolutely gorgeous, she was wearing a black bikini that looked incredible on her and her hair in a higher ponytail than usual. i smiled in awe at her as she made her way over to me at the chairs. she sat down on my lap and i wrapped my arms around her waist.
"you look amazing." i told her against her neck.
"i hate it, you can see my scars." she replied holding out her wrists. "they're so ugly." she added sounding like she could cry in a second.
i ran my thumb along the cut then intertwined her fingers with mine.
"they're beautiful." i told her.
"are you two love birds coming?!" archie yelled from the pool.
betty got up and started running in the water and jumping into it laughing.
i love seeing her happy more than anything.
i ran into the water as well nearby her and splashing her making her laugh. i swam over to where she was and we started splashing each other.
after awhile of just messing around in the water, we were about to have cake and were inside, but betty seemed upset for some reason.
we brought over her cake and sang happy birthday to her and all ate cake. betty was pushing her cake around her plate with her fork not talking.
"are you okay?" i asked making her look up at me.
"i'm fine." she said firmly.
"what's wrong, b?" veronica asked.
betty dropped her fork and stood up.
"i no longer want cake." she said.
she walked upstairs and in to the bathroom.

Betty's P.O.V.

i was in the bathroom just sitting on the counter kicking my foot back and forth. i heard a knock on the door and assumed it was jughead.
"i'm fine, jughead." i said before he could say anything.
"can i come in?" he asked.
"it's unlocked, but i don't know why you want to come in." i responded.
he opened the door and just looked at me before he said anything, he was holding a box, but i couldn't see what it was. he closed the door behind him and sat on the counter next to me.
"happy birthday." he said handing me the box.
i took the box and slowly took the ribbon off then removed the lid to reveal a necklace with a small heart locket. i opened the locker to see he had a picture of him on one side and the picture of us on the ferris wheel together in the other. i smiled at it as i looked at the pictures.
"thank you." i replied.
"you're welcome, baby." he said putting his hand on my thigh and rubbing it gently.
i looked at him and stared into his eyes, they were like a mixture of blue and green because they couldn't pick one color. like an ocean. one that i wanted to continuously drowned myself in and i would never, ever get tired of it. i leaned forward to kiss him running my hand through his jet black hair and him moving his hands up to my waist. i sat the box down with the necklace, not breaking this kiss and moving my other hand to his cheek. i moved so i was facing him on his lap not breaking the kiss, until we both backed away for much needed oxygen. i could feel the warmth of his breathe on my lips as we rested our foreheads against each other's, both still smiling. i moved my head away from his leaving a worried look on his face.
"did i do something wrong?" he asked.
"no, no! oh my god, no!" i exclaimed putting my hand on his cheek. "it was amazing, we should just probably go back before veronica thinks i cut or something." i added stroking his cheek with my thumb.
"yeah, probably." he replied smiling.
when we got downstairs, veronica made me close my eyes because they had some sort of surprise. when i opened my eyes, my dad that i haven't talked to in years was standing there holding a bouquet of flowers.
"oh my god. dad?" i said taking a step back and bumping in to jughead.
i quickly grabbed jughead's hand and held on to it as tight as possible.
i appreciated that they invited him, but no one knows why i don't talk to my dad anymore. it's because when i was younger he would beat the shit out of me, he hated me.
"happy birthday, betty." he replied handing me the flowers.
i refused to take them and backed away from him as he came closer.
"no, no, no, no. please leave me alone." i told him.
"i know everything i did was really bad." he started. he put out his hand to hold my hand, but i backed it away from him.
"don't touch me!" i yelled.
"can i just talk to you please?" he asked.
"you and i will go in the living room, i will give you twenty minutes to explain yourself." i said to him then turned to jughead. "if i am not out of there in twenty minutes, you can come in." i told jughead.
my dad and i walked in to the living room and both sat down.
"why did you do it? why did you beat me?" i asked.
"i had problems, betty, i drank too much and would go crazy. i don't expect you to forgive me, but i want to be a part of your life." he replied.
"that's hilarious, i know you don't drink and by the way i slit my wrists now and have depression mostly because of you." i said rolling up my sleeve.
"damnit! you're so difficult to talk to!" he yelled standing up.
i stood up as well.
"you don't think i know that! hell, my own boyfriend can barely put up with me! i wonder everyday why jughead, veronica, archie, mom, everyone haven't left me! it's all your fault! i bet you'd also be glad to her i'm getting therapy now, i'm trying to get better!" i yelled back with tears starting to form in my eyes.
"betty, i didn't—." he started.
"of course you don't because you don't even care the slightest bit about me! and it's fine, i am tired of crying, tired of cutting, of everyone! i should do everyone a favor and die!" i yelled even louder with tears streaming down my cheeks.
then he did the unexpected, he slapped me across the face. hard.
"i hope you burn in hell, you bastard!" i screamed at the top of my lungs.
then he punched me right across the face then in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me making me fall to the ground wheezing for air. he walked right out the door and jughead ran in and quickly held me in his arms.
"can you breathe in and out for me, baby?" he asked.
i didn't want to breath, i wanted to die, right then and there. i couldn't take it anymore, i was tired of acting strong.
"i—i c—can't do it j—jug." i got out in between wheezes.
i could see his heart completely shatter, the tears starting to form in his eyes.
i decided i was going to live, for him.
i took a breath in trying to get the air in my lungs and it worked i was slowly, but surely getting air in my lungs again. i coughed a little then took a deep breath in and everything fell back in to place and i could breath.
"i'm sorry, i'm so, so sorry." he said pulling me in to a hug.
"we should just stayed in the bathroom and finished." i joked making him laugh over the pain in his voice.
i stood up from the floor and only had a little blood dripping from my nose.
and this is exactly why i hate my birthday.

(AN: Oml this chapter is 2,000 words, i didn't mean to make it that long. usually i don't 1,000, but i wanted to fit so much in to it. 😂)

 ✔️| 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 | 𝗯𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara