Chapter 13

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Betty's P.O.V. ~ Fast Forward A Week

it's been a week since jughead and i talked, i've seen him at the bar when i work, but neither of us say anything. my daily routine has been get up, go to work, come home, cry and sometimes cut, and go to bed. i haven't really been eating much, my depression has just became to much to handle and the sadness over powers my hunger. i was getting dressed and i took off my shirt and could lightly see my ribs. veronica came in the bathroom and i quickly pulled my shirt back on so she wouldn't see, but she did.
"oh my gosh, betty, you need to eat." she said.
"i know." i replied.
she grabbed my hand and looked at my wrist, but i pulled it away quickly.
"is the therapy not working?" she asked.
"no, it's not working! jughead is the only one that helped and i drove him away too!" i yelled as i started to cry.
she pulled me in to her arms, hugging me tight as i cried on her shoulder.
"i think you guys should try talking." she told me once i calmed down.
"i'm sure he doesn't want to see me, i told you what he said." i responded.
"can you at least go outside for awhile? don't you get tired of your room?" she asked.
"i'll go to pop's after work." i told her.
i got dressed in a grey t-shirt, black sweat pants, black high top converse, my serpent jacket, and put my hair in a messy bun. when i got to the bar, a few serpents that i was close with were looking at me like i looked horrible and i did, my cheeks were getting hollow and you could see how skinny i was getting.
"are you doing okay?" sweat pea asked.
"i'm fine, sweat pea." i responded.
i swear jughead was spying on me because just then he came down and looked shocked at me.
"are you sure? you look like—." he started.
"complete shit, i know i haven't eaten." i interrupted.
"do you want me to make you something?" jughead asked.
"no. i thought i was pretty clear when i told you to never talk to me again." i replied before i ran off in to the bathroom.
after work, i was at pop's reading my book as i had a full hamburger in front of me and had only eaten a few fries. i heard the bell jingle and didn't bother to look who came in. i could see someone standing at the booth in front of me, so i looked up to see jughead.
"can i join you?" he asked.
"if you want." i replied.
he sat down and i continued reading my book.
"what are you reading?" he asked.
i closed the book and slid it over to him without saying anything.
"i've heard good things about this book." he said.
i ignored his comment and ate a french fry from my plate. we sat in silence for awhile, neither of us looking directly at each other.
"look, i'm sorry for what i said, i was upset and took it out on you." he finally blurted out.
"why were you upset?" i asked looking down.
"there's a gang called the ghoolies and they are coming to riverdale, i'm just nervous because the serpents aren't exactly friends with them." he replied.
"why didn't you just tell me?" i asked looking up at him.
"i didn't want you to worry, you already have so much going on i didn't want you to worry about my bullshit." he responded.
"i can handle it." i told him.
"i know, i know you can." he said.
"i'm sorry for making it seem like you had to tell me why you were mad, i should have just dropped it." i said as i moved my hand to the table from my plate.
"no, you had the right to know. you were right you tell me everything, i should have told you." he responded. "and i'm sorry for saying what i did to you, i was just frustrated." he added.
"i agree with you completely, i can't handle anything and i'm just a scared little girl." i told him as i looked back down.
"i couldn't disagree more, you're none of those things, you are one of the strongest people i've met and you're just a reserved person and that's okay." he replied.
we both sat there in silence until i said something.
"i cut again." i blurted out.
"is it bad?" he asked.
i rolled up my jacket, so he could see the fresh new red marks. he gently rubbed his thumb against the ugly cuts on my wrist.
"i haven't eaten much lately either." i told him.
"i've noticed at work you looked skinnier." he replied.
there was another silence until i said something once again.
"can i come sit next to you?" i asked.
"yeah." he responded moving over so i could sit next to him.
i got up and sat on the side next to him with my head on his shoulder. he pulled my plate on to the side we were on and cut the hamburger in half.
"can you eat half?" he asked.
i picked up a half of the burger and took a few bites from it.
after awhile, i had finally eaten both halves of the hamburger and we were both sitting in the booth together still. i leaned my head against his shoulder again and her intertwined his fingers with mine.

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