Chapter 20

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Betty's P.O.V.

i woke up the next morning with my head on jughead's bare chest and i was still wearing his "s" shirt. i heard a knock on the door, so i quickly got up to get it trying not to disturb jughead. i opened the door to reveal veronica standing there with three coffees. she smiled as she looked me up and down noticing i was just wearing a shirt, jughead's shirt.
"i'm going to ignore that for now." she said using her head to gesture to me. "what are we doing?"
she walked inside and we sat down on the near by couch.
"at 1:00 we are cliff jumping, so you and archie better be in the lounge of the hotel in your bathing suits at that time." i told her.
"i'm not cliff jumping." she replied.
"yeah, you are." i said as she handed me one of the coffees she was holding. "and you'll definitely thank me after."
it was almost 1:00 and i had a bikini on with a white top part and black bottom part. i was looking in the mirror trying to find a way to stand with out the horrible scars on my wrists showing. i haven't cut since jughead and i's fight, so it's just awful scars that show way to much. i was moving my hands in different positions and adjusting my stance, until i heard jughead knock on the door.
"betty?" he asked through the door.
"yeah, just give me a minute." i replied quickly putting my arms behind me back to see if it covered my scars.
i really didn't want to have to mention to jughead that i was having low self confidence about the scars, especially since we are on a trip.
i moved my arms in front of me and rubbed my thumb against the scars, just as i started to do that jughead came in the bathroom.
"betty, what is taking so—." he said but cut himself off. "are you okay?"
"i'm fine, i was just, um, you know, it doesn't matter. let's go." i replied.
we both got our stuff and walked down to the lounge area of the hotel, we didn't see veronica or archie yet, so we were just sitting down on a couch. we were next to each other with one of my legs swung over his. he took a picture of us and wanted to keep it, but i wanted it deleted.
"i look horrible." i told him giggling.
"no, you don't. i'm keeping it." he replied holding the phone up so i couldn't get it.
"give me it!" i exclaimed as we both were laughing and i was trying to get it.
"you have to get it, sweetheart." he told me making me laugh more over that stupid nickname.
"i'm trying to, bitch." i responded returning the stupid nickname from our double date.
a few people near by looked at us as i said that, not that i blame them. i moved so i was facing him as i straddled him on knees trying to get his phone.
"what are you guys doing?" i heard archie ask from behind us.
jughead and i quickly snapped our heads to look at him to see veronica next to him.
"yeah, what the hell are you two doing?" veronica questioned laughing a little.
"he won't delete the damn picture he took of us." i replied as i picked up my stuff and got off of him.
next thing you know, the four us are standing at the top of a very, very high cliff that we were going to jump from. i stood near the edge and looked down then took a few steps back.
"this was your idea, b, you go first." veronica said.
"yeah, i know." i replied. "just, uh, i need a minute."
i took a few steps back and leaned my back against a fence nearby.
"you okay?" jughead asked.
"um, yeah. yes, i'm fine." i responded putting my arms behind my back.
now that i'm actually at the top of the cliff, it was scary as hell and made me dizzy.
"you know, i'm actually great." i told her. "her let me show you."
i walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down.
"b, i was kidding we can all go together." veronica said.
"it's okay, after everything that's happened, jumping from a cliff into water would be amazing." i replied.
"are you sure you want to do this, betty?" archie asked.
"like i said, after my dad, cutting, my mom, the lies, trying to take my own life, this is going to be incredible." i said. "so i'll see you guys in the water!"
i turned around and jumped from the cliff. it felt like i was in the air forever, and it was amazing, then i hit the warm, refreshing water. i came up from the water not too long after i hit it and saw the three of them looking down.
"come on! this is amazing!" i yelled.
then they all three come jumping down and slashing me as they hit the water. we swam over to an area where the water was shallower and we could all touch the ground. archie and veronica were kissing, not a surprise and jughead swam over to me.
"there's a waterfall over there." he said using his head to point to the left.
"let's go then." i replied.
he went to hold my hand, but i quickly took it away, i guess it was just because of my self esteem i was having with the scars. he gave a weird look, not that i blame him i'd be pissed if he did that to me, i tried giving him a slight smile in reassurance. we swam over to the waterfall, not conversing at all. when we got over there, we were the only people and all you could hear was the sound of the waterfall.
"just between you and me, something is clearly up with you and i want to know what i can do to help." he said.
i looked around to make sure no one was around, then looked back at him.
"jughead, i trust you, but i'm not ready to tell you yet." i responded.
"if you trusted me you'd tell me, betty." he replied.
"it's not that simple, jug, but you'll be the first person who would know." i told him.
"i'm not meaning to make a big scene, but you act like we are not a couple. what's up with that?" he said. "not telling me anything, not even letting me hold your hand. did i get boring? are you over me that fast? are you tired of slumming it with me?"
"no, jug, it's none of those things, i just need to figure this out alone." i replied.
"then i think we should take a break until you're ready to talk." he told me.
"if that's what you want." i said as i wiped my cheek brushing away the few tears that came.
we walked up to the surface, so we could walk to where veronica and archie were in complete silence. when we got to them we all kinda stood there awkwardly for a few seconds.
"what's next on your agenda, b?" veronica asked.
"i don't know and don't care. you guys can do whatever the hell you want, but i'm going to my room." i replied in a nasty tone.
"are you okay, betts?" archie asked.
"i'm fine." i snapped. "and don't even think about following me, jughead."
i walked away from all of them to the hotel room not giving a shit about what happens next.
i knew the day would come when jughead finally realizes what kind of a person i am and leaves me for someone prettier, nicer, and happier than me.

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