Chapter 17

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Betty's P.O.V.

the next day, i knew jughead has to pick something up, so he wouldn't be at the bar until later. i decided i was going to try the method of coping from alcohol. i got dressed in a white crop top, black jean shorts, black high top converse, and my serpent jacket. when i got to the bar, there was already a lot of serpents there, luckily i worked at the bar, so i could drink some vodka or something hard. i checked in and walked behind the bar table and found some vodka. straight, hard sky vodka. i took the bottle and poured a shot then quickly drank it. toni must have noticed i was staring to get drunk, so she told me to sit down. i sat on the other side of the bar and when toni went in the back, i grabbed the vodka bottle and started drinking out of it. i could feel myself starting to get drunk and losing my balance, so i stood up and ended up bumping in to fp, jughead's dad.
"oh. hi, betty." he said helping me stand back up.
"do you want some vodka?" i slurred together showing him the bottle then taking a big drink from it. "shit! this does work!"
it did help, it made me forget everything wrong with my life.
i stumbled backwards, spilling vodka on myself.
"do you want me to call jughead?" he offered.
"no!" i exclaimed. "he doesn't want me drinking, he will make me talk about it!" i slurred worse than before.
i walked off towards the bar and sat back down. people tried taking the vodka from me, but i refused to let go. i was half way done with the big bottle, before jughead came in. he walked over and sat next to me.
"hey, baby." i slurred holding both y's and saying it in an annoying seductive tone.
"you drink vodka?" he asked.
"i do now." i replied.
"can i have some?" he asked.
"yeah." i said handing him the bottle.
he took the bottle and put it behind the counter where i couldn't get it.
"let's get you cleaned up." he told me helping me stand up.
"you took my vodka." i whined.
he helped me get in to his fp's car and drove me home.

Jughead's P.O.V.

i was picking something up from a motorcycle store until i got a call from my dad and answered it.
"hey, dad. what's up?" i said into the phone.
"jug, your girlfriend is here and she's drunk as shit." he told me.
"who gave her the alcohol?" i asked upset that they let her drink.
"i don't know, i think she took it from the bar. she is stumbling all over the fucking place." he replied.
"i'll be there as soon as i can, get the drink away from her." i said before hanging up.
i knew exactly what she was doing when my dad said she was drinking. she was trying to find a way to cope. i got the bar and managed to get the vodka away from her. i took my dad's car and got her home and took her to her bathroom. i helped her take her clothes off and filled up the bathtub. once i got her in it, i heard her phone buzzing like crazy in the kitchen. i went in to the kitchen and she was getting texts from someone named "ethel".
"did you try it yet?"
"does is work?"
"are you fucking your boyfriend right now or something?"
"jesus, i'll talk to you later!"
i was trying to think of an ethel, but i couldn't think of anyone with the name. what was she taking about? does what work?
i sat her phone back down and walked back in the bathroom to see betty crying in the bathroom. i guess she got out herself because she was wrapped in a towel sitting on the floor. i sat down next to her and rubbed her back.
"what's wrong?" i asked, even though she was still drunk and not going to give a good answer.
"i want to go to bed." she wined.
i helped her stand up and put on one of my shirts and a pair of her underwear on her. i got her in to her bed and laid next to her until she feel asleep.
several hours later, she had finally woken up and was no longer drunk, thankfully. she looked over at me and rolled on to her side.
"hey." i said pushing some of her hair out of her face.
"hey. i got drunk didn't i?" she asked.
"yeah." i responded.
"thank you for taking care of me and i'm sorry." she said.
"you don't need to be sorry." i replied.
we both just laid there in silence looking at each other for awhile.
"who's ethel?" i blurted out.
"a girl from the group therapy, why?" she responded.
"it's not really any of my business, but she texted you asking if something worked and if you tried it yet." i told her.
"oh. we were talking about methods to cope and i said i might try alcohol." she replied.
"is that why you got drunk?" i asked.
"yeah, i guess it worked, i forgot everything going on in my life and it's safer than cutting." she told me.
"can you just talk to me next time please?" i asked.
"okay, i'll talk to you next time." she said.
she moved closer to me so her face was buried in my chest as i had my arms around her.
i wish she would actually talk to me about her problems, instead of taking it out on herself. clearly, therapy wasn't working, but i think the group therapy might be better because the other girls understand what she's talking about.

(AN: Thank you guys so much for 2k reads! I am so glad you guys are enjoying this story! Thank you all for reading it and being so so so supportive! I love reading all your nice comments, thank you guys so much! I love you all! 😊💗)

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