Chapter 15

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Betty's P.O.V.

jughead and i are riding on his motorcycle in the night.
"be carful, jug." i say as i hop on the back.
"i know, i always am, betts." he replies cranking up the motorcycle.
we're driving in a peace and suddenly a car comes out of no where and hits us. we both go flying off of the motorcycle and everything goes black.
pitch black.
everything comes back and i sit up, my body aching in a pain. i look around for jughead and see his lifeless body laying nearby with blood spilling out of him.
"jughead!" i yell as i run to him.
i put his head on my lap and tears start to fall from my eyes as i cup his face.
"you look beautiful, betty." he says.
"i don't care, jughead! you're dying!" i scream fumbling to get my phone.
"don't call 9-1-1." he tells me. "i won't make it."
"yes! you will!" i reply, even though i know nothing i do can change the fact that he is dying.
"i love you, betty." he says.
his eyes peacefully fall shut and tears stream from my eyes.
"i love you too." i choke out.

i sit up from my bed and scream, and keep screaming as i feel the sweat run down my face and back. veronica runs in my bedroom and sits next to me.
"betty! are you okay?" she asks.
"jughead, he—he." i tried to say.
"he what?" she questioned.
"i need my phone, i need to make sure he's okay." i tell her.
i feel around on my covers until i feel my phone. i quickly call jughead and hear it ring.
"betty? it's 4:00 am, are you okay?" he said.
"you're alive." i responded letting out a breath i didn't know i was holding in and putting my hand over my heart.
"why wouldn't i be?" he asked.
"the motorcycle—the car—you." i tried to tell him. "nothing, it's nothing, i'm so glad you're okay."
"it was just a dream, it's okay, i'm okay." he said in a soothing tone.
i waved veronica off that she could leave and she got up and went to her room.
"could you come over, please? i need to see you." i asked.
"yeah, i'll over in fifteen minutes alright?" he replied.
"wait, juggie, please don't ride your motorcycle, take archie's car or something and thank you." i told him.
"i'll take archie's car." he responded before hanging up.
i took off my shirt that was covered in sweat and put some shorts on. a few minutes later, jughead knocked on the door and i went to get it. as soon as i opened it, i wrapped my arms around him giving him a tight hug.
"you're okay." i said against his chest.
"i'm okay." he replied.
i had completely forgot that i wasn't wearing a shirt when i released myself from the hug.
"sorry, it's hot in my bedroom." i told him gesturing to my top half.
he laughed a little and we went back to my bedroom. we sat on my bed and he picked up a picture frame with a picture of my mom and i from when i was ten.
"is that you?" he asked laughing.
"give it back!" i exclaimed trying to take it from his hand.
"you were an adorable kid." he said.
"was not." i replied quickly taking the picture from him and looking at it.
"that's my mom." i told him smiling at the picture.
"do you still see her?" he asked.
"no, but we talk often." i responded looking up at him. "she lives in canada, or at least she says, but i don't believe it for a second."
"why not?" he asked looking back at me.
"i don't know, it just seems weird, my parents never got divorced, yet the live so far away from each other." i replied.
"i'm sorry." he told me.
"it's not your fault, it's just one more unfortunate fact in my life." i said giving him a slight smile and sitting the picture frame back on my dresser. "sorry it just got super sad real quick." i added looking back at him.
"tell me about her." he responded. "your mom."
"she was caring, especially when my dad used me as his personal punching bag, yet she still was in love with him, she was my best friend, she pretty much became super sad after her mom died, so that kinda changed everything between us, but all good things end eventually." i replied.
"she seems nice." he responded.
"she is." i said looking down. "i'm going to get a shirt." i added standing up.
i went to my closet and put one on that was a black t-shirt and sat back down next to him.
"why did you think i was dead?" he asked.
"oh, i had a dream where we were on your motorcycle and we crashing and you didn't make it." i told him.
"that's why you told me to take archie's car." he replied.
"yeah because if you died, i don't know what i would do." i said.
he leaned forward and put his hand on my cheek as he kissed me and i kissed him back passionately as i put my hands on his cheeks. veronica walked in to my bedroom because we forgot to close the door.
"oh my god! sorry!" she exclaimed as she quickly shut the door and left making us both jump away from each other.
i laid back down on my back and lifted my head to look at jughead.
"i don't know about you, but i'm going back to bed." i said laying my head back down.
he took of his shoes and serpent jacket then laid down next to me and looked at me. i realized he was looking at me, so i moved closer to him with his arm around me and my head on his chest.
"you know when you said all good things end eventually?" he asked.
"yeah." i responded.
"do you think it includes us?" he questioned. "like do you think this will end?"
i looked up so i could see his face, i looked in his beautiful green eyes and he looked back in mine.
"i don't know, i hope not." i replied.

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