Chapter 25

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Betty's P.O.V.

WARNING: This chapter includes mature content, so please read at your own risk!

i had somehow managed to fall asleep in the chair he tied me up in. when i woke up, i was sore from all the punching and kicking yesterday. i wasn't sure what day it was and i started forgetting things. i felt a bit lightheaded from the loss of blood and my body felt swollen. i adjusted myself as much as i could in the chair then heard someone coming towards me.
"you're finally awake." i heard my dad say.
"i'm going to die eventually." i told him. "you realize that, right?"
"at least i can be the one to do it and have fun with it." he replied.
i looked around the room and saw a bunch of torture devices that he used last night and some that he haven't used yet. he picked up one that strapped around my forehead and my pointing finger and he held a remote.
"this is a fun game where i'll ask a question and if i don't believe you or like the answer, i'll shock you." he told me as he turned a knob.
i took a deep breath dreading how bad this was going to hurt, it's one thing when you hurt yourself, but someone else doing it is different.
"who made you the way you are?" he asked.
"you did." i replied sternly.
he pressed a button that shocked me and hurt like hell, i yelled in pain and almost knocked the chair over.
"who made you the way you are?!" he yelled getting closer to me.
"you did, after you used me as a punching bag." i responded not showing that i was afraid.
he pressed the button again sending a shock through my body. he looked like he had an idea and took the wires off of me.
"what's that boy of yours again?" he asked.
"it's jughead, don't you dare think about touching him." i replied making myself clear.
"right, well then let's role play, i'm jughead and you're you." he told me.
he untied me from the chair and put his lips to my ear.
"remember, i'm jughead." he said in my ear sending chills down my spine.
he moved his lips to my neck and began to kiss down it, like jughead would do except when jughead did it, i felt pleasure from it and wanted it. he began kissing down to my breasts and took my shirt off against my will. it was hard to do anything and if i tried to do anything, he was too strong for me to handle. as he started to unbuckle his belt, tears began to slowly fall from my eyes wishing jughead could hold me in his arms and tell me everything would be okay. at this point, my shirt and pants were both removed and my hands were once again tied behind my back. i figured that after this he would kill me and i wished i had told jughead i had loved him when i had the chance, but now he may never get to hear me say it. he rolled up a condom on himself and pulled down my underwear.
"i get that you hate me, but this, this is just fucking cruel." i said through all the pain trying to be strong.
"can you just shut up already?" he replied.
he lined himself up with me and began to thrust into me as i continued to cry and he moaned. there's a difference of wanting to have sex and being forced to it. at this moment, i already felt dead and i wanted to die completely, to take my own life. i know i needed to be there for jughead and that we both needed each other, but i can't be strong anymore after this.
it felt like hours until he finally pulled out of me, looking satisfied. he packed everything back in the duffle bag and left, i didn't say anything, he didn't say anything, he just left me tied to the chair, naked and cold and crying. i heard his car drive away and knew no one was coming to save me and that this is how i was going to die.
after about an hour, i heard a car pull up to the house. i didn't even care, for god's sake it could be my dad coming to shoot me in the head and i didn't care, i figured it was just my dad and no one was coming. more tears fell down my cheek as i sat there not caring about what happened next.
"betty!" i heard someone call out.
that someone wasn't my dad.
it was jughead.
he was coming to save my life.
i was too tired to respond and too weak from the blood loss, but i heard his footsteps coming closer.
"betty!" i heard him say again.
then he stood in front of me with his mouth wide open at the sight he was seeing. just seeing him made me feel safer, like it was going to be okay, like i was going to be okay. he quickly came to me and untied me from the chair. through all the pain, i stood up and hugged him as tight as i possibly could.
"i am so, so sorry." he said as he held my head closer to his chest.
"it's not your fault." i replied in a whisper.
he helped me get dressed and he wanted to take me to the hospital, just to see if i was okay.
when we got to the hospital they put me on a gurney and jughead tried following.
"sir, you're going to have to wait." a nurse told him.
"i need to go with her, i need to." he replied trying to push past the nurses.
"you'll be able to see her after we are done." another nurse said to him.
they rolled me into a room and began examining my body and fixing the horrible marks left on me. they asked questions, but i didn't respond, i just laid there silent letting tears run from my eyes.

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