Chapter 18

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Betty's P.O.V.

i got up the next morning and felt weird.
good weird.
i don't know, but it was like i wanted to do something amazing like, skydiving or scuba diving or even something illegal.
and i knew just who to do it with.
jughead, archie, and veronica.
i went in to the kitchen to make coffee, but saw veronica already did. luckily it was sunday, so we didn't have to work.
"let's invite jughead and archie over for breakfast." i told her smiling.
"its a bit late, maybe for brunch." she suggested.
"what the fuck is brunch?" i asked her.
"breakfast and lunch." she said like it was so obvious.
"you call it brunch, i'll call it breakfast." i replied as i took out my phone.
i told jughead to come over with archie for breakfast or as veronica said brunch and to be dressed casual with a bathing suit because i had something planned. i got dressed in a black tank top crop top, with jean shorts, and black high top converse. i packed my bag with a sweatshirt, my bathing suit, my wallet, a pair of black leggings, sunglasses, and some ponytail holders, then packed an actual bag for two nights. i went back in to the kitchen to start cooking breakfast. i heard the doorbell ring and veronica went to get it, i could hear archie and veronica making out near by, but didn't hear jughead. i turned around to see him standing near by, which scared me a little.
"oh, god! hey." i said as i smiled.
"hey. what are you cooking?" he asked.
"breakfast or as veronica calls it, brunch." i told him. "it's bacon, eggs, and pancakes."
"cool, so what are we doing today?" he questioned.
"that's for me to know and for you to find out." i said as i turned back around to turn over the bacon.
after i finished making breakfast, we all sat at the kitchen table eating it.
"b, what are we doing?" veronica asked.
"damn, haven't you guys heard of surprises." i responded taking a bite of my eggs.
"give us a hint." archie said.
"none of us have done it before and there is three parts to it." i told them. "also, i forgot to say pack a bag because we are staying there two nights."
"you're kidding?" veronica questioned giving me an annoyed look.
"nope, so chop chop, we've got somewhere to be." i said standing up.
i put my plate in the sink and jughead and archie went back to their house to pack a bag.
awhile later, they showed up and we all were ready to go.
"get to the car everyone, we've got to go!" i told them.
we headed outside and jughead stopped me.
"what is it?" i asked concerned that he didn't want to go.
"it's not like, dangerous, right?" he replied.
"it seems like it could, but it won't be." i told him.
next thing you now, we are all in the car with me driving, jughead next to me, and veronica and archie in the back. veronica and archie are love talking each other, not a surprise, and jughead and i are having a normal conversation in the front.
"what made you want to do this trip or whatever?" he asked.
"i don't know, i thought a break would be nice. i mean after everything, a trip would be nice." i replied as we stopped at a stop light.
"yeah, i guess you're right." he responded.
"you're going to love it." i said looking over at him. "trust me."
i looked back on the road and he put his hand on my knee to hold my hand.
"i trust you." he replied intertwining our fingers together.
"veronica going to be scared as hell." i told him.
"it's that bad?" he questioned.
"it'll be scary, but we'll be fine." i responded giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
we drove for another two hours, archie and veronica were asleep and jughead looked tired.
"go to sleep, i'll tell you when we get there." i said to jughead as he tiredly tried to keep his head up.
"i'm not tired." he told me as i pulled up to a gas station.
"you can barely keep your eyes open." i replied. "i'm getting gas, need anything?"
i stopped the car and unbuckled.
"i'm okay." he responded.
"okay, i'll be right back." i said before i got out of the car.
i filled up the tank with gas, then headed into the gas station store to pay. i got two coffees, one for jughead and one for me, then went to the check out.
i payed then went back to the car. i handed the coffee to jughead and he thanked me.
"how much longer?" he asked.
"an hour, the place we are staying at goes along with the trip, so at least close your eyes and try to rest." i replied as i pushed his hair out of his eyes.
"okay, but wake me up as soon as we get there." he told me.
"okay, i will." i said before quickly kissing him.
i started the car again and started to drive to the destination.
an hour later, we were only five minutes away from the location. everyone was awake, looking around for something. a sign came up that said something, but was old and hard to see, so thankfully they still don't know where we are going.
five minutes later, we pull up on a breathtaking view and everyone looks out the window to admire the view.
"oh my god, this is gorgeous!" veronica yelled.
"this view is heavenly!" jughead exclaimed.
"this is amazing!" archie adds.

(AN: Thank you guys so much for 2.6k reads! I'm so glad you guys like it! I love you all! 💕)

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