Chapter 23

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Betty's P.O.V.

i wake up wrapped in jughead's arms with him looking down at me already awake.
god, i've missed this.
"hey, you're finally up." he said with a slight chuckle.
"yeah." i replied adjusting myself so i had my hands on his chest with my head on it, so i could look at him better.
"are you feeling okay?" he asked.
"as of right now, yes." i responded.
"am i still allowed to kiss you?" he asked.
"yeah, you're allowed." i replied.
he leaned forward as i moved my head off my hands to kiss him, until i backed away and looked him in the eyes.
"what is it?" he questioned seeming concerned.
"it's not you, it just i want to know more about you. if we're going to be together, i want to know everything." i responded.
"what do you want to know?" he asked giving me a smile.
we spent awhile in the same position talking about random stuff.
"wait, wait, wait, you cut a grown woman's tattoo off in high school?" i asked smiling.
"she was pissing with the serpents, what was i supposed to do?" he replied.
"i didn't know my boyfriend was such a badass." i told him laughing a little.
"well, now you do." he said giving me a quick kiss.
"tell me about where you got your beanie from." i said.
"it's stupid." he replied.
"no, it's not. i won't laugh." i told him.
"it was from my mom before she took my sister, jellybean and left me. they moved to toledo without me and left me with my dad, i've worn it ever since because she sewed it for me." he told me.
"that's really cute and i'm sorry about your mom and jellybean." i replied.

Jughead's P.O.V.

talking to betty about the beanie made me remember what happened with my mom and jellybean.

i was ten years old and my mom and jellybean had all there stuff packed up in the car.
"where are you going, momma?" i asked her.
she ignored my question and got in her car with jellybean. archie and his dad, fred, were both near by watching. she started up the car and i chased after it.
"momma! you forgot me!" i yelled chasing it.
fred came and held me back as i tried to break free from his arms to follow the car.
"momma! no! come back!" i yelled.
my throat hurt so bad from yelling after her, but i didn't care i just wanted my mom and sister back.
"jughead, let's go inside." fred told me.
"my momma! jellybean! how could you forget me?!" i continued yelling as i could no longer see the car.
tears began to stream down my face as fred picks me and over his shoulder and i'm kicking him and screaming as much as i can, begging for them to come back.
*end of flashback*

"jug? jughead?" i heard betty asking snapping me out of the awful memory.
"what?" i replied shaking my head a little.
"are you okay?" she asked putting her hand on my cheek so i had to face her.
"yeah, i'm fine." i said.
we talked for what seemed like the whole day about stupid stuff, until we heard someone unlock the front door.
"it's just veronica." she told me.
we carried on taking, until veronica came into the room.
"hey, you two love birds." veronica joked.
betty sat up from off of me to look at veronica.
"hey, veronica." betty replied.
"i'm assuming you're staying in riverdale and you guys are back together." veronica guessed.
betty looked over at me then back at veronica.
"i guess so." she responded smiling and intertwining our fingers together.
"i'm glad." veronica replied. "jughead, do you want to see something?"
"sure." i said confused.
veronica went into her bedroom then came out with a picture and handed it to me. it was a picture of betty dressed in all pink clothes with her hair in a perfect ponytail.
"i was looking through the old year books and happened to find the old, goody two shoes, betty cooper." veronica told me laughing a little.
"this was you?" i asked betty laughing a little.
"you asshole!" she exclaimed taking the picture from me. "you're both assholes!" she added trying not to laugh.
"let me guess, you did all your homework assignments, got A's in every subject, had a curfew, and was the teacher's pet?" i asked.
"that's not true!" she said playful hitting me.
"oh, yes it is, it's all right." veronica replied.
"okay, fine! you're right, but then my darkness took over i guess." betty said shrugging her shoulders.
"darkness?" i asked.
veronica looked like she knew what betty was taking about, but i was clueless.
"i did this thing where i curled my nails into my palms leaving little crescent scars behind and had this slutty outfit i used occasionally and i guess it just came too much to handle." she replied. "you would have liked her. the old me."
"when did you change from pink wardrobes to black?" i asked.
"after high school, it was the turning point of my life where everything went down hill." she responded. "let me guess, you've always been a bad boy?"
"yep, nothings really changed on my end." i replied with a chuckle.
"i'll let you two do whatever you were doing before, i'm going to lunch with archie." veronica told us before leaving betty's room.
"tell me another story from your past." betty said turning to face me.
i told her about what it was like living on the south side, since she lived on the north side and there is a lot of differences between the two.
"it's too bad we lived on different sides, we could've met a lot sooner." she said after we compared the differences.
"yeah, do you think we would have gotten along?" i asked.
"i don't know, i think so." she replied. "how did you meet veronica and archie?"
"i've known archie since i was born, our dads used to work together, so we've been friends ever since. he knew veronica, so we became friends." i responded. "what about you?"
"we went to high school together, i was veronica's mentor to show her the school and archie and i were neighbors." she told me.
we talked for awhile longer about the most random stuff.
"would you ever forgive you mom and sister?" she asked as we went back on to the subject of parents.
"if she had a good reason to leave, yes, if not, no." i replied.

(AN: Sorry his chapter is kinda boring, it's just to kinda fill in the past, so it makes more sense. Also, thank you guys so much for 3.66k reads! I'm so glad you are enjoying it! I love you all! ❤️💕)

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