Confirming my earlier judgment I scoff out loud and roll my eyes.

"Just as I thought "

The class goes dead silent, wondering why, I look up and every single pair of eyes in the class are on me. God! I didn't say it that loud did i?! I detest full attention on myself! It makes me feel all awkward and squirmy! I feeling myself starting to blush like a plump red tomato just about ready to explode. Quickly, I divert my gaze to my lap hoping no one will see.

But then I thought. I'm not gonna let this idiot humiliate me! Why the hell should I? He should be the one blushing, not me!. Right, deep breath Liv. Calming my nerves to exterminate the blush and thinking of my answer to his probable question coming anytime soon, I look back up and meet his green piercing glare and evil lopsided smirk, ready for my comeback. Where has this sudden confidence come from?

"Is there a problem Miss?"

"Er yeah! It's just, I don't think that it's our job to make you look like a good teacher. That's your job, but it shouldn't be your main focus! Your main focus should be to help your students achieve the best possible grade. I think your in the wrong profession if you want to be given all the glory. I mean that is just some pure selfish shit! Did you fall off the catwalk and bump heads with Karl Lagerfeld?"

I am absolutely raging with anger now!!!!! I can't look at this man anymore! Not without imagining his floppy, gelled back, fat Mahican styled hair burning! How unreal can you get? What a self obsessed, know-it all little prick! I am actually disgusted, which is rare! It seems as though my future plans are becoming more and more out of reach, they are waving at me in the distance holding a 'come and get me' sign. How am I supposed to get my grades up with this creature for a teacher?

Amusement covers his face and shock covers everyone else's by my outburst. Damn! I over reacted didn't I? Raising my voice is something that rarely happens, especially in school! I've always been the quiet girl at the back, even in primary school, so everyone questions Crysti as to why she is my best friend because admittedly it's an unlikely match! Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so worked up about it. But still, not my fault guys! After about 40 seconds of deafening silence he finally gave his cliche reply.

"Perhaps we should have a little chat outside then? Follow me please!"

I drag my self out of my chair and down the aisle to the classroom door which Mr Smith is holding open for me. I try my best to ignore the harsh glares radiating all around, especially the glares from the girls who obviously think he is hot. The amount of cleavage showing on all of their orange chests proves that.

I stand out in the cold breezy hallway impatiently staring at my shoes with my arms wrapped around my chest, waiting for him to decide on my punishment. I probably look like a little kid with a red face and an attitude problem, but really inside I am terrified. Getting any bad permanent record on my CV could ruin my future chances. Why did i have to do that? Now I hate myself!

"Okay. I don't want to give out detentions on the first day of school so i'm just going to ask you to keep your insults to yourself in the future" Thank holy mother!

"O-Of course Sir!!!" I say very enthusiastically with a large cheesy grin. He looks surprised at my relief and a gentle smile stretches on his mouth.

"Good! What's your name young lady?"


"Nice to meet you Olivia. I'm Mr Smith" He says boldy, holding his hand out for me to shake. I slide my hand into his shaking it up and down, giving him 100% eye contact.

"Nice to meet you. It's Liv though"

"Likewise Olivia!"

"Really, It's Liv, just Liv, only Liv, really!" He smirks at me releasing his hand from my shake.

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