Chapter 91 - Remorse Is All She Feels

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There's no point staying here. She can cry over split milk in Delhi also. At least she will have the distraction of work there.

Ishani started to pack and in a matter of fifteen minutes, she managed to do everything. Checking the room once again, she quickly picked up her clothes and went inside the washroom.

As water pelted down her body, tears automatically joined them and she didn't wipe them out this time; there was no point in doing that.

The guilt of hurting him was eating her up.

Minutes later, she dried her hair a little and tied it up a bun, not even bothering to brush it. The moment she looked up, she saw a strange sunken face staring at her in the mirror and somehow her eyes reminded her of what she had done. Not able to look at her own face, she turned away and got dressed.

Just as she was picking her phone, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The bellboy entered and took her luggage.

The moment he left, she looked at the bed and instantly turned away for she could only see him making love to her again and again. The bed hadn't been cleaned since the day he left this room as she hadn't wanted to lose his scent. And right now she wanted nothing else but to inhale that scent.

Slowly she walked to the bed and touched the pillow on which he had slept. Then she picked it up and pressed it to her face and instantly she was back in his arms. His smell filtered through her nostrils and spread through every sinew of her body.

She wanted him; wanted him back but she couldn't.

He is gone.

Tears threatened to spill out and she let go of the pillow and got up from the bed with a jerk.

Then without a backward glance, she left the room.

When she reached the reception area, her bags had already been loaded in the car. She looked around and slipped on her sunglasses and slid into the back seat. Slanting her head on the seat, she closed her eyes and waited for the car to start. But minutes passed, it didn't.

She took off her glasses and looked at the driver's seat, and found no one. She was about to open her side of the door to check when she saw Ram slipping into the passenger's seat followed by the driver.

She sat up straight and about to ask him when suddenly the other side door opened.

Rudra got in and said something to Ram, and instantly the car started.

But Ishani was too stunned to say anything. Her eyes couldn't just believe that he was there sitting next to her. Even though she could see that he was saying something but she could hear nothing.

She wanted to touch him.

She wanted to hug him.

She wanted to bury her face in his chest and smell him.

She wanted to say sorry till he forgave her.

But she did nothing but stare at him.

Everything that had happened between them just returned in a flash as his aura just filled the car.

"I had thought you would be different. But you are the same as everyone else."

As his words resounded in her mind, she bit her lip to stop her from crying out loud. But still, a lone tear slipped out and slid down her cheeks.

And that very moment, she saw Rudra turn his head towards her. Even though he was wearing his sunglasses, she could still feel his eyes on her.

Shoving his hand into his pocket, she saw him fetch his handkerchief and offer it to her.

But her insides were already at war.

She looked at his hand and then looked away for she couldn't take it anymore.

Yes, it was her fault. And, yes she was one who should be saying sorry. And, yes it was right for him to be angry.

But couldn't he just.......

Ishani lost the train of thought not knowing why she was suddenly angry.

Was she angry at herself for being so weak?

Or was she angry with him?

Suddenly she shivered and stretched her hand to fetch the light stole she was carrying in her handbag. But before even she could wrap it around her, she heard him instructing Ram to shut off the air conditioning.

She closed her eyes as finally, exhaustion took over her and somehow this time her body slipped into a much wanted slumberous state.


"Ishani Ma'am?"

There was someone calling her name but she couldn't bring herself to open her eyes.

"Ishani Ma'am!"

There it is again. This time she tried again to open her eyes but just couldn't. Something was making the exhaustion in her body multiply by manifolds.


Suddenly she felt someone's hand shaking her awake. She blinked and opened her eyes only to be greeted by angry ones belonging to the man she had been dreaming about.

She shook her head to clear out her foggy brain. The car door was still open and she knew he was still looking at her angrily but she didn't care for right now her body was giving her signals of being utterly out of form and sync.

The moment she stepped out of the car, she shivered a little and wrapped her arms around her body to stop it. She could feel his eyes on her as she turned and lowered inside the car to retrieve her handbag.

But the moment she raised her head and turned everything just whirled around her. Instantly she steadied herself and briskly walked inside the airport ignoring him totally.

Ram offered her coffee and something to eat when she sat down on the lounge sofa but she refused. She basically wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible; the place was giving her something more than irritation.

The moment she was told the flight was ready, she got up and started walking towards the tarmac.

Rudra had already reached it and was waiting for her.

However, just as Ishani put her foot on the first step of the airstairs, her body gave up. Everything around her swirled in increased intensity and her eyes started to close and darkness started to envelop her.

But before her body followed gravity a strong pair of arms grabbed her.

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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