Chapter 47 - I Hate You, I Love You

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Ishani stared at him as he started to move towards the door.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Stop him before he ruins his life, her brain shouted at her.

"Rudra, please understand," she said as she stopped him.

"What should I understand, Ishani, tell me what I need to understand. You save my life by putting your life in danger; get jealous of the fact that I still talk to my ex. You do everything that shows you love me but still, you say you don't. Why? Please tell me why."

She bit her lip trying hard to keep the truth inside but somehow couldn't. The look on Rudra face was too painful to take in.

"It's Veera."


"You are in love with him?"

Ishani nodded and looked away for nobody in this world could ever understand her predicament.

"He is dead, Ishani."

"Please," she pleaded as she looked away from him.

"No, you can't. I am not letting you do this. He is dead and I can't let you waste your life because of him. Look at me, Ishani. I am alive and kicking in front of you."

Suddenly he moved away and splayed his arms around, and said, "Where is he? Call him, call him now. Tell him to come here and take you away from me because I am not letting you go. Not now, not ever. You are mine and you will be mine."

Anger and resentment raced through her as she heard him.

"I am not yours and I will never be yours," she said as she moved towards the door.

But Rudra was quicker than her. He clutched her hand and jerked her towards him. As she collided to his chest, his arms pinned her to him tightly.

She squirmed hard and felt him tighten his hold on her. A tell-tale heat and panic started to rise in her as she felt him again pushing her towards the wall. As her back bumped against it, he grabbed her hands in both of his and raised it over her head.

"Yes, you are. You are mine and you will stay mine, and I am yours and I'll stay yours."

Saying this he lowered his head to her throat and started to kiss her skin slowly.

Uncontrollably, she moaned deep in her throat but the resentment was still not gone. Tears of struggle slowly drifted down her cheeks and landed on his forehead. He raised his head and started to lick the tears away.

"'," she stammered involuntarily trying not to feel anything.

"Then say you hate me. Do, it, Ishani."

Her blood was already fuelled with the rising heat of his kisses but his words just ignited the fire fully. She moved her head away and felt his lips slip to her throat again.

"I hate you," she said with full force and animosity hoping he will let her go.

But the moment he heard her, his face came to her level and his eyes bored into her.

"Say it again," he said as the intensity of his gaze increased.

"I hate you!" she reiterated vehemently.

"Again!" he said with the same vehemence in his tone.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," she said pouring acid into her voice.

"Again!" he ordered his eyes lowering to her lips.

"I hate you," she whispered as her eyes followed his gaze.

"Say it till you believe it," he said as he clutched both her hands in one and snaked the other around her to pull her closer, not once taking his eyes off her.

"I hate you, I hate you, I......"

"Yes, Ishani, I what?"

"I h-hate—"

"Say it," he pressed on, his gaze moving from her lips to her eyes.

The lust was evident but the smoky passion in them completely burned her senses. Her whole being drowned totally as she stared in their black caverns.

"I love you."

His body stopped moving as just he heard her. Letting go of her hands, he grabbed her neck and pulled her head into his.

And, then his lips landed on hers.

Ishani's body jerked involuntarily as his heated lips came in contact with hers, and without thinking, she circled her arms around him.

His lips grazed back and forth and she moaned hard in response. As his tongue snaked out and started to lick her lips wetting them, she felt a long-lost wetness settling between her thighs.

She opened her mouth and instantly felt his tongue plunging in. As hers brushed past his, she felt him make a rumbling sound of approval. The sensations were too good to be true. Totally out of control, she bit his lower lip a little and felt him jerk towards her.

She had wanted to do this for so long.

Suddenly Ishani turned taking him with her and within seconds Rudra felt his back colliding with the wall.

And, then she started to nibble, bite, suck and graze his mouth with hers.

Rudra was going out of control, which was something that never happened whenever he had sex. He had always been the one calling the shots, but right now his mind had shut down without warning and he didn't like that. On instinct, he pulled her head more into his and deepened the kiss.

Her mouth was like a drug; the more he tasted it the more he wanted to. He felt her teeth sinking in his lower lip and pulling it a little. Growling intensely, he gave into her sucking of his lip and felt himself growing immensely hard.

This passion building inside him was something that he was absolutely not familiar with. His senses were just going too haywire and even though his breathing was all ragged still he did not want to let go of her mouth.

As Ishani lungs heaved with the lack of oxygen, she moved her mouth away reluctantly and instantly heard a bark of protest from him. Smiling, she pressed her face to his chest and listened to his heart hammering away against her ears.

But something was wrong. All of a sudden she felt his body going limp.

As the world around him whirled violently, the wheezing in Rudra's head increased. It can't be the alcohol. That thing never has any effect on him. But somehow he wasn't able to keep his body upright.

Slowly darkness started to surround him and he slumped against her.

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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