Chapter 96 - Meet Her Parents?

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The flight landed and both of them walked hand and hand to the car.

Rudra opened the door for her and the moment she slipped in he rounded the car and slid in.

Ishani had thought that he would keep his distance in front of his people but he just pulled her to his side.

"Come closer," he whispered when she tried to keep some distance but she just moved away playfully.

"Move closer or I'll make you sit on my lap," he said putting his arm around her shoulder.

Smiling, she closed the distance between them till their thighs touched and rested her head on his shoulder.

The car started and they sat in silence enjoying the warmth of each other's body. She could hear his heart beating steadily against her ear and somehow she knew the reason was she. She placed her hand on his coat lapel and raised her face to his.

Just as he looked into her eyes, he lost all thought and the power to resist her. Lowering his lips, he captured hers and rubbed them back and forth till she opened them.

She moaned softly as the pressure of his mouth became aggressive. His tongue plunged in and she lost the grip on her senses. She could feel him pulling her towards himself. Relenting and without letting go his mouth, she started to climb on his lap.

Rudra pressed a button on the armrest on his side of the door and a smoky glass panel slid between the front and the back seats shielding them totally.

As her taste mingled with his, he felt lust and desire bubble inside him again but he knew he needed to stop. Heaving a sigh, he let go of her mouth and felt her bury her head in his neck.

"Ishani!" he called out.


"I need to meet your parents."

Ishani's head shot up the moment she heard him.

Meet her parents?


"What do you mean why? We are getting married. I need to meet them."

Biting her lip, she looked at him and tried to think of ways of stopping him.

"You don't need their permission," she said avoiding his eyes and trying to slide off his lap.

He tightened his arm around her and made her stay.

"I am not asking for their permission, yours is enough. But babes they need to know. We will just let them know that we are getting married that's all. Their opinion changes nothing," he said loosening the clip from her hair and meshing his fingers just as it tumbled free.

Whimpering low, she pressed her forehead against his and rubbed his nose with hers.

"Stop distracting me from the subject," he warned her roughly.

"Oh I distract you," she said with a sly smile and rubbed her lower half against him teasingly.

"Stop it!" Rudra growled slapping her butt lightly.


"You deserved it. Now don't distract me. We are meeting your parents tomorrow. No arguments."

"Can I do nothing to talk you out of it?" she asked sounding apprehensive.

He looked at her his eyes narrowing with confusion.

"Why don't you want me to meet them?"

"It's not you. I wouldn't want anyone to meet them," Ishani replied and moved away from his lap.

This time he did not stop her and she was thankful for it. Right now, she would give anything to stop him from doing what he was proposing. It had been more than 3 years she had been in that house and frankly, she wanted to keep it that way.

She could feel his eyes on her, watching her, observing her. So to avoid looking at him, she turned her head and looked out of the window.

Minutes ticked away and he did not say anything. Finally, the car stopped and Ram announced from the front that they had reached her house. She was about to get down but she suddenly felt her hand being pulled.

"Wait!" he commanded and she slumped back on the seat.

Rudra got down and rounded the car. Opening her side of the door, he waited for her to get down and the moment she did, he dragged her into his arms.

They walked to the gate and she was about to turn towards him to say bye but the look on his face just stopped her. It was not anger but something more than that. She knew he would follow her to her door and then leave.

But when she reached the door and opened it, she saw him step inside. She blocked his way and looked at him questioningly.

"I am coming in."

"Don't you have work to take care?" she asked trying her best to make him leave.

"Right now I would rather take care of you. And my staff can take care of work. They survived a week without me, they can do more," he said brushing her aside and walking inside.

As Ishani saw him settle down on the sofa, she shook her head sighing hard.

"Come here and sit down. You need rest and food. Don't forget you still have a fever."

"I don't."

"Yes, you do. Now stop being stubborn and come here," he said extending his hand towards her.

She took her hand and instantly he pulled her to him. Sighing, she sat down and saw her luggage being wheeled in by his security.

"Hukum, should I stay?" she heard Ram ask.

"No Ram, you take rest of the day off. Take the car and ask Badri to take care of the luggage. And ask Manna to bring my Hummer here by 2 in the afternoon," Rudra replied and nodded as Ram left.

Just as Ram closed the door behind him, Rudra pulled Ishani closer to him and nuzzled the side of her neck.

"Now who's distracting?"

"I am not distracting you coz you are not thinking anything," he replied looking at her.

Her poker face said it all.

"Don't fret so much. I know you don't like meeting your family but I'll be there with you, so stop worrying," she heard him say.

"Now let's get some food for you. But before that, you need to take a pill."

"Pill?" she asked with confusion.

"Yeah, this one."

She looked at his hand and her eyes widened.

Emergency contraceptive?

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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