Chapter 23 - And The Game Begins

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Rudra entered the lobby of the apartment building and looked around. Mr Hanswani, the owner of the apartment followed by his entourage was about to welcome him when his gaze fell on the huge black German Shepherd standing behind, staring at him.

"Mr Sangawat, you never told me you have such a huge dog. I hope it does not become a problem for the other residents," he said slowly backing off.

Rudra looked at him for a second and then suddenly unclasped the lease. But Scar did not even budge; she stood where she was, still staring at Mr Hanswani.

"Scar!" Rudra called out and then gestured her to follow the others to the lift.

Obediently, she just skidded off to the lift.

"Mr Hanswani, I do believe the other residents will not become a problem for me. It would be a shame if I have to rethink buying this place," he said sternly and smirked satisfactorily when he saw the apartment owner squirm in discomfort.

Manna cleared his voice behind him and Rudra looked at him questioningly.

"Hukum, it's ready."

He nodded and walked towards the private lift for the penthouse. But before he entered it, he called out the owner's name once again and saw him swing in action immediately.

"I rethink my decisions and people lose business and money. So, don't make me reconsider."

Mr Hanswani cringed from the words and looked away but didn't miss Rudra's wicked smile before the lift closed on his face.

Ishani looked at her watch for the umpteenth time and sighed impatiently. It had been more than 30 minutes waiting for Manna at one of the restaurants at Saket. When she had called him around an hour back, he had told her that he was on some urgent work. And then, later he had messaged her to meet him at this restaurant after 1 hour to return Rudra's wallet.

But where is he?

Losing her patience, Ishani stepped out and started walking towards her house. But she stopped suddenly as someone called her name from behind.

"Ishani Ma'am!"

Recognising the voice, she turned with a smile however stumbled the moment she saw Manna. He looked a little flustered more than usual and fidgety too.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?"

Manna nodded and tried to smile but somehow Ishani was not convinced. Brushing the growing curiosity aside, she pulled out the wallet and gave it to him.

However, the moment Manna stretched his hand towards her to take it her eyes widened with shock.

His shirt sleeves were covered with patches of blood and by the look of it, it was still fresh.

"W-what h-happened?" she asked in an anxious tone.

"Hukum, he......he has had an acc-accident," Manna replied avoiding her eyes.

For a second, Ishani just stood motionless as her brain stopped functioning. Then, suddenly she clutched his hand hard as panic started to settle in.

"Take me to him, NOW."

3 hours ago

The ringing of Manna's phone flooded in the hospital room followed by a hello from his side.

Ishani Raijdas, it's time you fall in love with me.

Rudra pressed the red button on the side of the bedside table and instantly a nurse came sauntering in.

"Call Amar."

"Dr Amar is in a meeting. He will be here soon. You need to rest," she said smiling patronisingly at him.

He gritted his teeth as he tried to control the urge to snap at her.

Seems she needs a little bit of third degree.

As the nurse kept smiling at him, he stretched his hand towards Manna, who had just stepped inside the room.

Manna handed him a small and pointy knife.

Rudra placed his thumb against the shiny edge and slid it slowly trying to feel its razor-sharp precision. Then, he looked at the nurse, whose smile had disappeared by now. He saw her slowly shrinking away towards the door.

"Don't worry this is not for you," he said as he placed the sharp edge of the knife against his right palm and curled his fingers into a fist around it.

And then, he pulled the knife out gashing the soft skin tissues of his hand.

The nurse rushed out of the room and he could hear her running through the corridor.

But Rudra's job was still not done.

He was not satisfied with just one cut. It has to more dramatic.

Gradually he raised the knife to his forehead and slashed the skin just above the right brow.

Manna grabbed his hand as he was about to make another cut and took the knife away.

"MANNA!" his voice echoed dangerously in the room.

"Enough!" Amar charged at him as he entered the room followed by the nurse.

Amar shook his head as he looked at his friend. Even though his self-inflicted wounds were bleeding profusely, still his spirit had not deterred even by an inch and knowing Rudra, it would never. He saw glaring eyes shift from Manna to him. Well, Amar was sometimes kind of scared of his childhood friend but right now the ball was in his court.

"Rudraveer Sangawat, don't give me that look otherwise I'll leave you like this and then your plan can go for a toss," he said gesturing the nurse to get the first aid.

Seeing his friend grunt in annoyance, he pursed his lips and took the syringe from the nurse. Amar was about to punch the anaesthesia in him when Rudra stopped him.

"These wounds need stitches."

Rudra shook his head glowering at him and Amar sighed as he dropped the injection on the tray.

Amar slowly started to stitch the wound on his forehead first trying his best to be as gentle as possible. He knew Rudra was feeling the pain but his unflinching and expressionless face conveyed nothing. Amar kept looking at him as he stitched the gash on his hand but did not see his friend wince even a single time.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Amar straightened and looked at Rudra who was sitting absolutely still. He shook his head and handed the mild tranquilisers to Manna and started to whisper the instructions to him.

Rudra looked at gauze dressing on his palm and slowly the burning hostility bubbled up. His jaw tightened as his right hand clenched in a fist.

"What the hell are you doing?" Amar shouted in panic.

When Rudra did not respond, Amar placed his hand on his and forcibly uncurled the fingers.

"What is with you and pain?"

"I love it."

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Copyright © Pinterest

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