Chapter 14 - His Physical Presence

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Ishani was standing near the window blankly staring outside when Annie walked in. She looked at her friend and instantly knew something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" she asked placing an arm around her.

Ishani smiled and nodded, still thinking why all of a sudden she felt confused and at peace at the same time.

"He has dropped his condition."

Annie looked at her strangely not believing it.

"And, you sure there is no catch in it?"

She shook her head and walked towards the table. As she picked up the envelope, her mind repeated the words he had said.

"I would do anything and everything in my power to get that smile back on your face."

But why?

What does she mean to him?

Why all this compassion all of sudden?

And, why had he told her that he did not belong to that name?

Suddenly Ishani's head started to throb with these questions. She pressed her temples and tried to think something else but somehow her brain swirled around in confusion endlessly.

"I think I'll go home."

Annie nodded knowing too well that her friend needed time to digest whatever has happened since morning.


Sleep, a passive partner that night eluded her completely when the shrill ringing of the alarm sounded loud and clear making her reluctantly open her eyes at one go. Groggily she got up from the bed and knowing Annie would still be sleeping, silently tiptoed to the kitchen to make some tea for herself. As the tea bubbled, she brushed her teeth.

"Shut up!" she commanded her mind, which was still bickering her with those questions.

Ishani picked up her cup of tea and went to the balcony to freshen her mind. Even after a full night's sleep and multiple distractions, her mind was still on the things he had said.

Why is it difficult for you to take something on face value?

Well, because it is him.

Everything she had heard out about him had only pointed to one direction and that would be his arrogance and ruthlessness. He had a reputation of having his way.

So, it would have been perfectly normal if he had asked them to vacate the land or forced them to accept his condition. But what he said and did was the complete antithesis of it.


Ishani shook her head and gazed at the sky, which was slowly changing colour as the sun started to shine in its full glory.

Suddenly her eyes caught a movement in front of her house. A black car was standing on the opposite road and someone was opening the door to get out. Her eyes widened with shock as she recognised those broad shoulders and proud gait.

What is he doing here? And that too so early in the morning?

Slowly she backed away as he neared the gate but stopped as she saw him taking something out from his pocket and placing it in front of it.

Rudra smiled and waved at her and then turned away.

Ishani couldn't just hold it anymore. She needed to know. She rushed downstairs and ran towards the gate. But the car was gone before even she reached it. Sighing, she opened the gate and looked at what he had kept there.

It was a rose, a white one with a message tied to it.

She opened the card and felt a smile spread through her.

'Good Morning. Keep smiling.'

For the next couple of days, she got used to his small little interferences in her life. Every night she would see him park outside her gate and watch her reach home and he wouldn't leave until she would switch on her bedroom lights and come out to the balcony. Then in the morning again he would be there to wish her good morning with a rose but would leave before even she would reach the gate.

No messages, no calls, just his physical presence.


Ishani sighed and picked up Annie's clothes from her bed and placed it in the bag. Her friend was going to Pune, where her parents lived. She would be gone for the next 1 month, which meant she would be alone to deal with everything.

Annie looked at her sad face and shook her head.

"You got to make a much more sad face to stop me from going," she said laughing and dodged the pillow thrown at her.

"I am going to miss you."

"You say that every time yet never call me."

"That's coz I don't want to disturb you when you are with Uncle and Aunty."

Annie smiled and hugged her hard and she returned the embrace willingly.

It was almost 10 at night when Ishani came out of the airport. Annie's flight had been delayed by an hour and so she had stayed back with her at the airport. She walked to the taxi stand and asked some drivers but none agreed for her drop. Tired and hungry, she fetched her phone and tried to book a cab but still nothing.


Defeated, she looked at the auto stand and was about to walk towards it when a black Mercedes stopped right in front of her. Irritated, she was about to scold the driver for blocking her way when the window slid open and a familiar face smiled at her.

"Ms Raijdas, I am here to drop you home," said Manna, getting down and opening the back door for her.

"Thank you but no thank you," Ishani said as she gave him an angry stare.

Ignoring him, she again started to walk towards the auto stand.

"Ms Raijdas, please. It's not safe this time of the night," he pleaded with her but she just continued walking.

"Please, Ms Raijdas," he again reiterated.

"Dammit! Can't you take no for an answer?"

Manna just shook his head and smiled.

Ishani looked at him and gave an exasperated sigh as she walked towards the car. Manna closed the door behind her and sat down in front.

The moment the car started, her phone beeped.

'Got the car?' the message read.

She clearly did not need to guess who it was. Even though she hadn't saved his number still she recognised it.

'Get lost!' she replied back and put the phone on silent and closed her eyes feeling safe.

Somehow she knew she could trust him.

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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