Chapter 26 - Please Don't Leave

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Believing she had heard a murmur, Ishani straightened and looked behind at the bed but didn't see any movement.

Sighing she looked away and again pressed her forehead to the cool surface of the glass that had somehow helped in soothing the rising headache, which had awakened her 15 minutes ago.


This time she whirled around as she had heard her name clearly.

"Isha-Ishani!" Rudra groaned loudly as he shifted in the bed and she stared at him frozen at her place.

"No!" he suddenly moaned, his head twisting in denial from one side to another.

Slowly she neared the bed and looked at his face. Although his eyes were tightly shut, she could feel that his mind was wide awake with whatever he was dreaming.

But, her name?

"Ishani, please don't leave," she heard him cry out and it sounded more out of pain than anything else.

She rushed to him and placed her hand on his forehead.

"Shhhhhh! Shh! Shh! I am not leaving. Open your eyes, I am here," she said hurriedly as she caressed the side of his face tenderly.

Rudra smiled inside and gradually started to open his eyes. Pretending that his eyes were still heavy from the sedative, he blinked twice before closing them as he made his head slump back on the pillow.

"Rudra," she called softly as her thumb caressed the side of his cheek.

He opened his eyes with a start and acted as if he has seen a ghost. Then, he raised his left hand and touched her cheek as if trying to make certain that she was really here.

The moment she felt his fingers touching her skin, Ishani closed her eyes savouring the feeling that she had been waiting for since she had come here.

"Ms Raijdas, you are here," she heard Rudra say.

"Ishani, and yes I am here," she whispered gruffly and gulped hard trying to stop the long-held tears from falling.

She watched him as his face changed from a drugged look to a surprised one, and as the truth dawned on him, she saw him sitting up on the bed.

"Rudra, you shouldn't. You need rest. Lie dow—"

She stopped as he placed a finger on her lips. Suddenly her body was bombarded with sensations zipping from all sides. But before she could relish the feeling, he moved his finger away.

"I have had enough rest," he said clearing his throat.


He shook his head and clasped her hand hard in his. As his thumb caressed the soft skin of her palm, she felt tingles of energy passing through the tissues to her heart making it thump crazily.

Ishani closed her eyes and then tried to summon all her strength to block out the feeling but somehow her body did not listen. She felt a tug on her hand and involuntarily her body obliged.

When she opened her eyes, she was so close to him, that one more inch and she would be in his arms. Swallowing hard, she looked away from his piercing eyes and tugged at her hand and felt relief course through as he released it.

"What happened?" she asked looking the other way.

"I'll tell you if you look at me," said Rudra, ready to force her if she did not listen.

Reluctantly, she looked at him and saw him smile.

"I was attacked."


"Come closer and I'll tell you," she heard him say, his lips slanting in a mischievous smile.

"Rudra!" Ishani chided him.

Suddenly she felt him clutch her hand and then place it against his heart.

And, just as he did that her eyes shot up to him. The deep drumming of his organ against her palm doubled as the seconds passed.

"This is what happens to me every time you take my name," he said making a deep blush settle on her cheeks.

Scared, she lowered her eyes and looked at his right palm, where a small crimson patch had appeared on the surface of the bandage.

"You are bleeding," she said in horror and got up to get the first aid box.

"It's okay. I am okay. Please sit down. Don't leave just now," she heard him say as he pulled her back on the bed.

"I had gone to check a site for my next hotel when I was attacked by some men. Security arrived on time otherwise I would have been de—"

Ishani placed her hand on his mouth stopping him shaking her head as she gave him a scared look.

What if his security hadn't arrived on time?

She shuddered inwardly at the thought.

"Is that why you have so many armed guards? I saw Manna carrying a gun."

He smiled and slipped his hand under the pillow next to him and pulled out his black Walther P99 pistol and saw her eyes widen with shock.

"I have a lot of enemies, Ishani; people who want me dead and people who want me out of this business. I am a target everywhere I go and so is my family."

"Is that why there's always a car following me everywhere I go?"

"You noticed?" he asked her sheepishly.

She nodded and saw him smile as he said, "I can't afford you to get hurt."

His words were making her blush more than usual. For once making eye contact was impossible for her. She looked down at their linked hands and tried to gather her jumbled thoughts.

Rudra raised his hand and pulled her face towards him.

"Look at me."

When she did not budge, his hand fell away.

"I feel lost every time your eyes look away from me."

The moment she heard him, her head shot right up and she stared at him bewildered. His black eyes softened as they rested on hers and endless seconds passed as her irides messed with his. The gaze was so compelling that she couldn't look away this time. Instead, she just got pulled into a swirling pit of emotions and sensations that refused to bow down. Everything stilled around her as she felt his eyes slowly going down from her eyes to her lips.

His fingertips slightly caressed her cheek and she realised she did not have the strength to stop him. As his head moved towards her, she felt herself pressing close in anticipation.

"Ishani!" he whispered roughly near her mouth, his breathe kissing her lips.

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

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