Chapter 17 - He is Dead

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"Ms Raijdas? Are you there?" she heard Viman ask.

"Ya, Ya, I am here," she replied shaking her head in confusion.

Why is he calling her?

"Well, I was just wondering if you are free for a meeting today in the afternoon, say between 3 and 4. We would like to discuss the terms of investment with you."

"Investment?" Ishani asked more baffled than ever.

"Yes! SGH is investing in your NGO."

She was so stunned that she couldn't say anything. She just stared at the wall, her mouth gaping with shock.

"Wait a minute! Didn't Rudra tell you?" Viman asked confusion evident from his tone.

"No, he did not."

"Oh! Well, no worries. So are you okay for the meeting at 3:30?"

She gave her consent and disconnected the call.

The nerve of that man!


Viman looked at the clock and his pulse suddenly started to race. It was 3:15, which meant only 15 minutes were left. He started to pace in his cabin as his agitation increased.

Why did he even agree to Rudra's plan?

Did he even have a choice?

Yesterday when Rudra had walked in his cabin, Viman had clearly not thought it would for casual chit-chat. From the look of it, it had to be something damn important for the lion to walk out of his den.

Yeah, he did call Rudra a lion sometimes behind his back.

Once he had heard his brother's plan, Viman had actually stared at him in confusion and shock.

"You want me to do WHAT?"

Rudra had reiterated himself again and it sounded as unethical as before.

"No ways, Rudra. I am not going to do this," Viman had said clearly indicating with his stern tone that his refusal was final.

"Well, I am not asking you. I am telling you. And, you will do it; otherwise, I will ask Kakasa to do it," Rudra had said autocratically as he had left his office.

Viman shook his head in disapproval as he thought about it now.


Kabir walked in as he was still thinking of a way of getting out of this.

"What's the matter?" Kabir asked putting the papers on his brother's desk.

"Is she here?"

"Yep! She is waiting in the lobby."

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