Chapter 49 - I Know Everything About You

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Ishani ran inside her kitchen and turned off the toaster but the bread had already started to flame making the whole place smoky. She tapped on a switch and the exhaust started off with a gurgling noise. Shaking her head, she looked up and saw Rudra leaning against the doorframe looking worried.

"Did I make you lose your breakfast?" he asked coming towards her.

She smiled and shook her head.

"Nope! I should have taken care of that a long time ago."

Saying this, she picked up the toast and trashed it in the bin. Just as she was about to turn away, she felt him pull her towards him.


"Shhh! I haven't said good morning properly," he said nuzzling her neck.

Sensations pulsed through her veins as his nose touched the skin of her shoulder blade. Maybe sensing her response, he bit her ear and pulled on it and she bit her lip to suppress a moan.

As he placed tender kisses on her jaw, she placed her arms around him and felt him groan out loud.

"Don't!" she heard him whisper near her face and instantly opened her eyes.

"Wh-what?" she stuttered.

He placed his thumb on her lower lip and pulled it out from the hold of her teeth.

Suddenly the air between them just heated up uncontrollably as his eyes fell on her lips and hers on his. She leant closer towards him in anticipation.

But clearing his throat, Rudra moved a little away.

"I should get you some breakfast. But, first I need to use your washroom. Can I?"

Baffled, she just nodded and pointed towards it.

Rudra could feel her eyes boring into his back as he walked towards the washroom but he didn't stop. He entered it and closed the door. Clutching the edge of the washbasin, he breathed hard trying to calm the raging hormones in his body.

What is wrong with you? Why can't you keep your hands off her?

Every time she comes near you, you just lose it completely. What the hell is wrong? If this goes on for long, then everything you have planned will be down in the drums and you can't let that happen.

Shut up, dammit! He inwardly screamed at his inner self.

He opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror.

Focus, Rudra, focus.

Wiping his face, he came out of the washroom and searched for her, and found her sitting in the kitchen sipping her tea.

He smiled as he entered the kitchen and then pulled out his phone. Instructing Manna to arrange for some breakfast, he sat down on the chair opposite to her.

"You shouldn't have," she said keeping her cup down.



He smiled and kept on staring at her, and within seconds his body started to react. Not able to control himself, he clasped her hand in his and squeezed hard.

And, just then the doorbell rang.

Ishani pulled her hand out of his grasp and stood up to open the door.

Manna smiled at her and handed her the package along with a closed coffee mug.

"Did you guys eat anything?" she asked Manna taking the things from him.

Manna's eyes widened with surprise. Not knowing how to answer, he just nodded and quickly climbed down the stairs.

"Here's our breakfast and coffee," she told Rudra keeping the brown bag and mug on the table.

"Not ours, yours."

When he questioningly looked at him, he said, "Your breakfast and my coffee."

"Why? Don't you want to eat?"

Taking a sip of coffee, he shook his head.

She fully turned and looked at him strangely. For a minute, he felt like a different man altogether; he was not the same Rudra she knew.

"Well, in that case, I am also not having it," she said and sat down, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ishani, I—"


Sighing, she saw him giving in as he pulled the package towards him. Smiling, she stood up and got some plates.

The burgers were nice but looking at his face it almost felt as if he was going through a torture. For a long time, she had been suppressing her laughter but not anymore. As his face again contorted in a painful angle while he tried hard to chew the chunk in his mouth, she broke down in uncontrollable guffawing.

He looked up at her with surprise just as he painfully swallowed the piece of bread in his mouth.

Looking at his expression, Ishani could do nothing but laugh more. She clutched her stomach hard as her demeanour went out of control.

Keeping the burger down, Rudra just stared at her, his expression totally blank.

She gulped down her laughter the moment she saw him glaring at her. Coughing hard, she calmed herself down and looked at him again.

"You don't like all this, right?" she asked stifling an amused chuckle.


Stretching her hand, she dragged his plate away and got up.

"Do you like eggs?"

He nodded watching her walk towards the stove.

"What are you doing?"

"I am making you some eggs."

"Ishani, you don't have to. I am okay with the coffee."

"Shut up and tell me what you like? Poached, omelette, boiled or sunny-side up?"

Rudra got up and came near her, and circled his arm around her waist. She is bloody irresistible.

"You really want to know what I like?" he asked suggestively.

Slapping his hands, she glared at him and said, "Shut up, Rudra. I was talking about the eggs."

She heard him sigh as he moved away from her and sat down on the chair. She was still looking at him questioningly waiting for his answer.

"Rudra, I asked you a question."

"You only told me to shut up," he replied smirking.

"Okay, speak."

"Sunny-side up with—"

"No seasoning. I know."

Instantly he sat up straight on the chair and stared at her.


"Well, I have done my research. I read on the internet," she replied as she ignited the stove and placed a frying pan on it.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Rudra slumped back on the chair and started to sip his coffee.

"Do you really think I don't know anything about you? Well, Rudraveer Sangawat, I know everything about you."

He choked on his coffee just as he heard her.

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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