Chapter 82 - The Scars

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Rudra watched as she stepped out of the underskirt and stood in front of him in just her undergarments. The sight was so breathtaking that he stood there transfixed.

Ishani trembled as she felt his gaze travelling all over her body. Everywhere it passed, she felt its heat seeping through. Unable to control her nerves, she clasped her arms around her.


His command pierced through the thickened air in the room just like a gunshot and she looked at him instantly.

As if his body had found some new energy with just the mere flick of her eyes, he moved towards her in brisk steps. Pulling her into his arms, he buried his face in her neck and felt her relax against his body.

"Tell me you want this," he whispered in her ear and then started to kiss her neck and shoulder.

"Yes," she moaned.

Her answer was enough for Rudra to lose control totally. Picking her up in bridal style, he moved towards the bed and placed her softly on it. His eyes moved along the curves and edges of her body and he felt the heat go up in notches in him.

"You are fucking beautiful," he said lowering himself on the bed.

Ishani pulled him towards her and encircled her arms around his neck. As his lips smashed hers, she moved her body beneath him, whimpering lowly as his hands clasped her buttocks, pulling her more into him.

Her breathing hitched up as she felt the heat of his palms started to spread to her inner core.

Rudra couldn't think straight with her tongue fusing with his again and again. Her mouth was more than a drug, the taste of which was so intoxicating that savouring it once was not enough. He caressed and sucked but still it was not enough.

"Ishani!" he groaned into her mouth unable to stop himself.

Hearing him, she moved her mouth to his cheek. Placing soft kisses on his rugged skin, she started to move towards his shoulder but instead her lips landed on his t-shirt. She opened her mouth and bit on his shoulder wetting the cloth fully.

The moment her heated breath fanned the wet area, he growled and grasped her buttocks tightly.

"You are fully dressed," he heard her say as she bit his earlobe.

It was something that no woman had ever done to him or rather he hadn't ever allowed anyone to come this close. Till now he had marvelled on the control he had had on his physical desires and the way he hadn't let any woman affect him.

But with Ishani, it was something totally different. Somehow his ways and unfazed self-control failed him completely.

For the first time his inner-self shut down and instincts took over.

He slipped his hands towards her hair and grabbed it hard between his fingers, and then pulled her head away from him.

"Then undress me."

Ishani's eyes darkened with desire just as she heard him. She clasped her fingers on his t-shirt and pulled it off. But her eyes widened with shock just as they landed on his chest and stomach.

Rudra's eyes registered the horror-struck expression on her face and he looked down at himself in confusion.

His scars!

Anger bubbled inside him and his hands slipped away from hers. As he moved back, he felt her arms falling away from him and his inner-self smiled with satisfaction.

He was about to pick up his t-shirt when her fingers clasped on his wrist.

"Please don't," she pleaded.

Smirking, he looked into her eyes and said, "I should have known better than to trust you with my body."

Jerking her hand off, he started to walk away.

She wanted to stop him but just didn't know how. Biting her lip, she got up from the bed and tried her best to think of words that would be an apology enough but could think of nothing. In his place, she would have felt the same.

Suddenly she saw him turn as he grabbed the doorknob.

"Yes, Ishani I have scars. Actually, I have a lot. And, you are clearly ashamed to look at them. I am sorry I am not perfect."

Saying this, he twisted the knob.

Oh God, he is taking it all wrong, she thought to herself.

As he was about to step outside, she circled her arms around his waist and buried her face in his back.

Rudra stiffened but did not shake her arms off. Somehow today he was not himself. His demons had tried to surface the moment he had seen her looking at his scars but he had managed to silence them; that being a rare occurrence.

"I am not ashamed of your scars," he heard her say as she moved away.

"If you want to leave I'll not stop you but I can't have you thinking the wrong thing."

Slowly he turned towards her and saw her standing with head hanging low.

"They are a part of you; a part of what you are and I love you the way you are. I can never be ashamed of them, Rudra."

He felt his pulse race just as he heard her. If it had been someone else, he would have left; rather he wouldn't have let all this go this far. But when it came to her, his senses somehow stopped functioning. Like right now, his inner-self was telling him to leave while his body was beckoning him to close the gap between them and take her in his arms.

He threw the t-shirt and pulled her towards him.

"This is me, Ishani. This is the whole of me. Are you okay with it?"

She looked up at him and placed her palm flat on his chest. Then she did something that he couldn't have thought she would ever do.

Ishani lowered herself a little and started to kiss the long scar on his chest. Tracing her tongue down on its slant curve, she reached his waist. The moment her lips touched the waistband of his trousers, she looked up at him.

Then, she clasped his belt and pulled its tip off the loop.

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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