Chapter 65 - The Nightmares Again

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Ishani's heart lurched violently as she saw the demonic rage in his eyes.

As they registered her face, they narrowed a little and then widened with fury, their blackness cutting through her like a knife.

Ram watched as Rudra's hand started to rise towards Ishani and he pulled his sleeves up and punched the liquid in his veins.

Rudra slumped back as the fluid spread through rendering calming effect. But his heart was still beating erratically and his body convulsed with its impact.


"What's happening?" Ishani asked looking at Ram.

"It's his heart."

She watched as Ram slipped out of the car and pulled out his phone. As she heard him talking to somebody about Rudra, she instinctively pulled his body towards her and engulfed him in her arms.

"Shhhh! I am here. It's okay," she whispered in his ear as convulsions hit his body.

"Drive!" she heard Ram shout as he sat down in the passenger seat.

Rudra's body was racked with violent pain as the images kept on haunting him. But still in all those images, he could see a bright and soothing light that was beckoning him. As he started to go towards it, he heard a voice again whispering something. He stopped and strained his ears.

"Rudra! I'm here. Everything will be okay."

He turned and started towards the voice but then the light was pulling him towards it. Stopping, he turned towards the light and started to walk but that calming whisper in his ear again flipped his resolve. He narrowed his eyes and tried to look the way from where the voice was coming but could see no one.

When the voice did not beckon again, he slowly started to walk towards the light hoping to find peace once and for all.

Suddenly he stumbled and landed on something soft. He tried to get up but somehow couldn't summon the strength to do so.

Ishani watched as Ram and the other security personnel gingerly placed Rudra on the bed.

"Gudiya Di, I'll get his medicines. Can you stay with him till then?" Ram asked as he guided the bell boys to place their luggage in the room.

"Go! I'll be here."

The moment the bell boys left, she placed her palm on his heart and found it was still erratic. The bell sounded in the room and she rushed to the door to open it.

Ram rushed inside and handed her a pouch. Quickly he pulled out a syringe from another stack and punched the liquid in Rudra's veins.

"What was that?"

"That's another sedative. We always keep it for emergencies. But it will take a long time to stabilise him. Let's just hope for the best."

Ishani was looking at Rudra's face as it contorted with agony.

"Gudiya Di, you should go and freshen up and catch up on your rest. I'll stay here," he heard Ram say.

But she couldn't just leave.

"No, I am not going anywhere. I'll stay here with him."

"It's okay. I can handle him. Know this that I will never harm him," Ram replied with conviction as he looked at Rudra.

She sighed as he came and stood beside him. Then she placed her hand on Ram's and squeezed it a little.

"I believe you won't. If Rudra is willing to give you a second chance then I can also do the same. But right now it's not about what I believe or not. Right now it's about him. We need to preserve our energies for him in case there is something major that happens. So, I'll stay here with him and you just rest for some time. You have travelling for a long time."

Ram smiled and stood up finally understanding her point. He opened the door and then looked at her.

"Call me the—"

"I will, Ram. And thank you for being here," she said with a smile.

Ram smiled and slipped out.

She turned towards the bed and looked at Rudra. He was still tossing his head from one side to another as if battling something or someone. One by one, she turned off the lights except the bedside one and slipped beside him. As she pulled the covers on him and her, she felt his body twist with pain.

Two more steps and Rudra knew he would reach the bright light. It looked so soothing that he could do nothing but stare at it for some time. Then he placed his foot forward and suddenly felt something sharp sliding past his throat.

The pain zipped through him and he groaned violently trying hard to block those horrible images strangling his sanity. His inner demons started to rise but just then someone's hand caressed his cheek softly.

"Shhhh! I'm here. Calm down," he heard someone say.

One part of him wanted to follow that voice but another turned towards his demons, which were forcing him to grab the swirling figures around him and choke them to death.

Ishani watched as his body started to convulse with pain and torment. Suddenly she felt his fingers closing on her wrist in a vice grip.

"Please, Rudra, calm down," she pleaded caressing his forehead with her free hand.

But nothing happened. She placed her hand on his heart and felt it beating erratically more than ever.

She needs to call Ram.

As she tried to slide away, his grip on her wrist just tightened more, pinning her to immobility beside him.

Rudra looked triumphantly at the hazy figure in front of him as his fingers tightened around its throat.

Finally, he has got them. Now all he has to do is press hard to crush the bones.

"Rudra, please let go."

It's that voice again. Oh, why doesn't it go away?

He shook his head trying to shake off that voice ringing in his ears. As his eyes turned towards the shadowy figure in front, he suddenly felt a slightest of touch.

Ishani brushed her lips on his softly but then the taste of his lips was too much to resist.

She pressed her lips fully on his mouth kissing him with everything in her.

And everything obscured around Rudra.

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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