Chapter 32 - Say My Name

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Ishani's heart thudded with new found energy as she felt his breath just inches away from her. She closed her eyes waiting for that onslaught of sensation that had bombarded her when he had hugged her earlier.

"Ishani?" his soft and hoarse whisper landed on her ears and she looked at him.

The question was evident in his eyes. And, yes she was ready for this; ready for this gorgeous man to kiss her. For once she wanted to forget about everything else in her life. She wanted to feel like a woman.

Most of all, she wanted him to make her feel like a woman.

Ishani raised her hand to his cheek and lightly touched it with her fingers and instantly felt him stiffen a little. But the next second he relaxed and gave into her fingers as they caressed his prominent cheek bones and jaw line.

Rudra's closed his eyes just as he started to savour the intoxicating sensations running through his veins. He wanted to touch her but couldn't. Somehow, his hands felt heavy and immobile all of a sudden. His lips were just inches apart from hers and any moment now they would be one.

He wanted that. Most of all he wanted her; had wanted her since he had seen her in Viman's office. Well, the real fact was the green monster had attacked him insanely that day. He had actually wanted to rip off Kabir's arm of her the moment he had touched her.

She belonged to him and nobody else. Whether it was love or pain, the reason should only be him and no one else.

"Say my name," he commanded roughly.


Everything stilled in him the moment he heard her husky whisper. For once, he was not listening to his inner self or his instincts. Hungry for her lips to touch his, he lowered himself a little more and felt her heated breath brush along his lips. A potent desire erupted in his body and zipped through and settled in his loins. He cupped her face in his hands and felt her arms going around his neck. Without further adieu, he lowered his lips to hers.

Beep! Brrzzt! Beep! Brrzzt! Beep! Brrzzt!

Rudra froze the moment the sound entered his brain. He opened his eyes and saw her blinking. Almost immediately he let her go and moved away.

What the hell are you doing? His inner voice questioned him. How could you lose it so easily?

Ishani staggered back at the door and clutched the doorframe to keep her steady. The phone in her hand was still buzzing and beeping but her attention was on the man standing in front with his back turned to her.


"Let's go. It's getting late."

She just stared at him taken aback by the sharpness in his tone.

"Rudra, I......"

She saw him turn towards her and smile.

"There are only a few things in this world that tempt me. And, believe me, Ishani Raijdas you are one of them. So, before I lose myself completely, let's just get going."

She blushed the moment the gist of his words dawned on her and saw him smile widely as he extended his hand.

And, this time Ishani did not think before placing her hand in his. The warmth spread through her smothering every part with nothing but pleasure.

She didn't remember going down the stairs or landing on the street as her attention was completely on the man beside her. But the moment he let her hand go, her fuzzy brain finally got its focus back and she stopped and stared ahead.

A black giant of a car was parked right in front of her gate. She saw Rudra unlocking it and then opening the passenger door for her.

"Is that your car?!"

He nodded and gestured her to get in.


"Yes, that's mine when I drive," she heard him answer and instantly her mind perked up with an idea.

"Can I drive?" she asked looking at him with hope.


"But, I know how to drive."

"Well, I never doubted that. But still no."

Ishani came near him and placed her hand on his, and said in a reassuring tone, "Don't worry, I won't break your car."

"I am not worried about that. I'll buy another one if you break it but I am not willing to let you get hurt. So no means no. Now get in."


"No buts. Get in," he said in an authoritative tone as he gently pushed her towards the passenger seat forcing her to sit. He smiled as he saw her pulling the seat belt. Then, he slid in the driver's seat and shut the door. Slipping on his gloves, he clasped his seat belt in place and pressed a couple of buttons on the instrument panel, and she almost jumped in her seat as multiple clicking sounds erupted inside the car.

She was about to ask when another loud click sounded somewhere behind her and she moved away towards him scared.

"What were those?"

"Nothing. Just some extra locks and the front and rear cameras," he said as he pressed another button and started the car.

"And, what was that you pressed now?" Ishani asked in a bewildered tone.

"That's a GPS tracker so that my security can track this car wherever I go."


She watched in silence as Rudra steered the car in the opposite direction and then accelerated the speed.

"Why do wear gloves?" she asked after keeping shut for many moments.

"That's coz I don't like sweat on the steering wheel. It can easily make you lose the grip," he replied as the vehicle halted at a traffic light.

As the light turned green, the ringing of his phone reverberated inside the car. He exited the light and pressed the answer indicator on the stereo touch screen.

"Yes, Nina, what is it?"

"Darling! I heard that you fired Mihika. You know she is just a child."

"Nina, she is not a child and I don't want to discuss this."

"But darling, please. You know she needs the job. Please take her back."

"NINA! I said I don't want to discuss this," Rudra replied in a warning tone.

"Okay, darling, I understand. I know how to convince you. Bye," he heard Nina say as she blew him a kiss and hung up.

"Stop the car!"

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved. 

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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