Who Wins?

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Megamo's P.O.V.

Everyone's dead. Theres only one person standing in my way now. A few weeks ago I wouldn't have admitted it. But seeing all your complete drop like flies make you go a tad bit insane. Of course I could still keep my cool at school.

I went to the gates and pretended to talk to the gym teacher. I saw Ayano walk in with Nemesis -Chan both of them laughing. I know Info -Kun hated her. He saw her as a threat while I saw her as Ayano's best friend who also happened to like girls. Besides I know Ayano doesn't like her like that. 

I excused my self from the gym teacher and went up to meet the two of girls. They easily let me join in and we started talking about school and all the classes we had. All of us trying to ignore the subject of the dead students. But everyone around us seemed like they couldn't stop talking about it, so we had made are own little bubble.

For a minute it seemed like it was the first day of school all over again.  And I hate to say it but I wish I would've just acted like this before everyone died. For three reasons, one that way no one had to die, Ayano would be happier, and I could gloat when I got her. I know the last reason was horrible but it was true. 

Ayano waved bye when she went to class. And now there was two. Before I could go to class Nemesis -Chan stopped me. "Do you like her?" I stopped and then sighed "That obvious?" She laughed and nodded. Then she got all serious "Hey you better win that fight, I don't trust that other guy." I nodded not letting her know how confused I was that she found out. "I have my ways of finding things out." And then she turned around and walked down the hall.

"Oh and by the way I know how Ayano is a murderous Yandere and you were trying to kill her." Thankfully no one else was in the hallway since class didn't start for a few more minutes. I would ask her how she knew but she had already left making me seem retarded. 

I walked into class and closed my eyes. I might as well take some time to appreciate the quiet right now. I know I'll have to fight the puppet master soon. Untill then I might as well try and act normal. 

As the teacher began to talk I randomly took notes while I was going over again and again of what I was going to do when I was fighting Info -Kun. I could already tell today was going to seem long, and for once I was okay with that. 

*Time skip brought to you by Nightcore*

Lunch time, most kids see it as the time to goof around and do nothing. Where I see it as the time to set up my plan, and afterwords hang out with Ayano and Nem -Chan. And yes she does hate that nick name wich is why I will forever call her it. 

I went to the tree where they always sit at. But when I got there it was just Ayano. I sat down across from her "Hey wheres Nem -Chan?" She chuckled "You know she hates that name, right?" I simply laughed with her. 

This moment felt too good. I knew it would come to a horrible end, and I know I should probably enjoy it. But its hard to enjoy something when you're not sure you'll ever get it again. I sighed and she looked away and said "I wouldn't have thought even a few years ago that I could have a civilized conversation with you and now I'm laughing. Funny how quickly everything changes, isn't it?"

I looked at her and I can tell she was grieving all of their deaths. And in the end they all probably took a bit of her heart. I hope I can repair that, all the damage we've done. God what has my life turned to?

I sat a little bit closer to her and asked "Do you know?" She looked at me and took a deep breath before nodding. I simply looked away, because if she knew why all of them died she knew I was in the game as well.

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