A Friend Coming Home

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Ayano 's P.O.V.

School today was not eventful, the only thing I really did was talk to Megamo about the other world. While I was walking out of the school I saw two people waiting at the gate for me. "Thanks for waiting for me, let's go home." Osano dropped us off then walked to his house which was just one over.

While walking to our front door I realized that there was someone standing on our front porch. "Um excuse me, but what are you doing on our porch?" I heard Hankao ask. The person who was a girl turned around then ran up to us and hugged me. "There's no way in hell you forgot about me, right? I'm Nem-chan." Only three seconds later and it clicked. "Wait Nem why are you here?" Nem as I liked to call her was my friend back in middle school, she had a crush on me that's how we met. "Well I moved back from England and I couldn't not say hi to by best friend." I chuckled and said "Yeah and only friends." "Ouch." She said looking offended, just for both of us to burst out laughing after words. Hanako looked at the two of us like we were insane, I guess he was to little to remember. "Well can you come inside, we should catch up." She nodded so I unlocked the door and we both went to living room. Hanako had homework to do so he went to his room. As soon as she heard the door shut Nem said "So tell me, what did I miss?"

Nem -chan's P.O.V.

As soon as I heard Hanako 's door shut I asked Ayano "So tell me, what did I miss?" She just smiled, something amazing must've happened because the girl I knew did not smile at least not a real one. "Well nothing really." She said and looked slightly towards the right of me. "Okay I know your lying, or at least not telling the whole story." I said with a smirk on my face. She looked shocked "How would you know?" I just layed down and said "If I were to tell you then I wouldn't be able to find out any more, would I?" She just layed down next to me and said "Okay I'll tell you the truth, and if you don't believe me then so be it, alright?" I looked at her and said "Okay." She then took a breath and said "Okay there's actually another world, the one I'm from, the girl you know I'd not me. The weird thing is we kind of share memories, that's how I know you. Now so far I think only 3 other people, including me, know about this." I laughed "You know what's weird, I actually believe you. The girl I know had many friends, but she fakes everything and well she honestly treated me like shit." She patted my head and said "Well I might've killed people in the other world, but I wouldn't do it here." I decided to ask something "So what was I like in the other world?" She shuddered and said "Well you were sent to find me and kill me, so I would stop killing other people. I've killed you multiple times." Seeing my confusion she said "In the other world it restarted at the end of every week." I just nodded. I looked at the the time and said "I should probably get going." She sat up and walked me to the end of the driveway and said "We better wall to school tomorrow, oh and here's my phone number." I laughed "If only it was this easy the first time." She just hugged me and said "See you tommorow."

On the way home the only thing I could think of was 'This will be an interesting year'

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